Eric Garner Cartoon Preview

Given the time-sensitive nature of the Eric Garner story, I’m posting Friday and Monday’s cartoons ahead of time.

But the President is a Black Guy

Too Fit to Acquit


  • Terry Gilliam was right and Mrs. Buttle can’t cash the refund check.

  • Sorry Ted,

    But that Negro kid running past the cop in the last frame was Kendric McDade. While he was fully able to outrun the cops, he was still unable to outrun their bullets.

    While McDade did not have a weapon, he did have on baggy pants — that he needed to hold up — which gave the pigs an excuse to pump his back full of bullets.


  • Whoever a drone kills is, by definition, a terrorist and whoever police kill is, by definition, a thug.
    (Verification of the latter available from the FOX Domestic Terror Network.)

    This is a truly exceptional symmetry for the ages!

  • We’d better all hope, Ted, that the «Eric Garner story» is not as «time-sensitive» as you surmise ; otherwise the killing by cops will continue until the whole shebang explodes….


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