What is the point of the Second Amendment if there is no First Amendment?

As an unwavering left of center supporter of Americans’ right to bear arms, I nevertheless am disgusted by Guns and Ammo magazine’s censorship of their columnist. I’ve been there: this guy had his column approved by his editors, and then, after the shit hit the fan, the editors backed away. Also, this is brazen caving into major advertisers. Better that a magazine should go out of business man to let its advertisers dictate its editorial content. Again, I disagree with what these so-called moderate supporters of the Second Amendment wrote. But they should have had the right to their freedom of speech without being crushed by well-heeled advertisers and cowardly editors and publishers. If Americans are in danger because of threats to the Second Amendment, they are also in danger due to these threats to the First Amendment.(Yes, I know that the First Amendment does not apply legally here. But it does in spirit.)

1 Comment.

  • What is the point of ANY of the first 10 amendments (Bill of Rights) if the government can nullify them with executive prerogatives?

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