How You Can Support Edward Snowden

Here is what a real hero looks like: Edward Snowden, the 29-year-old CIA contractor who leaked the details of the NSA’s massive spying operation on Americans’ use of the Internet and our phone calls, has sacrificed his future — he may go to prison — so that we can have an open dialogue about whether we want to live in an Orwellian nightmare or a free society. The least we can do is support him.

Right now, what Snowden needs more than anything is asylum in a foreign country. He must avoid extradition; otherwise, he will end up like Bradley Manning, another hero of the American resistance: tortured, jailed and isolated.

Let’s stand up for Edward. Check out this sign seen in a New York City apartment building:


Everybody who cares about privacy and freedom from our evil federal government should do the same thing: declare their home a safe zone for Edward.

Also, please write to China’s ambassador to the United States to ask that Hong Kong (which is ruled by China) grant political asylum to Edward and that they refuse to extradite him to the United States.
