Up Against the Wall


Every now and then, I auction off my original cartoons. Original cartoon art is actually an extremely affordable way to both support a cartoonist and to invest in artwork that can increase in value substantially faster than many other forms of art. Of course, the opposite is also true.

But the really cool part is the chance to simply put it up on your wall. I have original cartoon art by a lot of my colleagues and by other cartoonists, and I love looking at it.  Among the artists by whom I have originals are Stan Mack, Carol Lay, Joel Pett, Jack Ohman, Matt Bors, Stephanie McMillan, Thomas Nast, Charles Schulz, Scott Adams, Jim Davis, Bil Keane, Jen Sorensen, Tom Tomorrow, and many others.

It is so cool to see the methodology, the mistakes, the corrections, etc. that go into an artist’s work. Anyway, someone who bought two of my originals recently sent me a photo of what they look like hanging on his wall in a frame, and I thought you might find it of interest.

By the way, here is this week’s auction.


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