Oh Petraey, We Hardly Knew Ye

I was listening to NPR’s “On the Media,” a favorite show that has never had me on despite my favorable review of Brooke Gladstone’s book in Columbia Journalism Review, and the Snarky Duo was going on about how the media universally admired General David Petraeus until his affair exposed him as having feet of clay. (Never mind running an organization dedicated to mass killing in the service of big oil.) Then I remembered this 2007 cartoon for the now-defunct website Iraq Slogger, which ran me for a time:

So not exactly everyone was above rolling their eyes and making fun of all the adulation. Of course, that’s a cartoonist’s job—to be skeptical of “universally acclaimed” heroes, and then join everyone else in being surprised when they fall.

Although, honestly, being outted as a slut is probably the best thing the general has ever done with his life. If nothing else, it might eventually lead to tighter email privacy laws.

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