Kickstarter Update

It’s a nice start: $2,508 raised so far. However, it’s not that long before the end of this campaign. Unless more contributions, especially some big ones, start rolling in, it’s not going to make it.

Therefore I’m adding additional incentive levels, including some really tasty ones. For example, I am seriously considering making the original artwork for my controversial “terror widows” and Pat Tillman cartoons among the rewards at the upper levels.

If you’re considering supporting the campaign, bear in mind that you don’t get charged at all unless I make the total $40,000 goal, and that the collapse of traditional print media enterprises means that the only way unusual and risky projects like this book about what a revolution would look like here can get done is with support of individual readers.

Thanks to all those who have donated.

And if you can’t donate, please tweet/Facebook/LinkedIn/Pinterest, etc.
