Convinced Yet, Wisconsin?

In theAnti-American Manifesto I argue that the Democrats are useless and that anyone who really cares about the country and its people have to find their solutions outside of the system entirely–indeed, by getting rid of it entirely.

Now that the Democrats have gotten rolled in Wisconsin, establishment labor unions are showing their strikes–er, stripes. What are they going to do to get even with those rascally Republicans? They’re going to push harder to get more Democrats elected in 2012. How getting anti-union Democrats elected helps rank-and-file workers, not to mention the un- and underemployed, they do not and cannot say.

When people in Wisconsin and elsewhere are ready to get serious about their own interests and their own lives, they will take it to the streets. That, as we are seeing in places like Yemen and Libya, is where shit really gets played out.

To cite the blog Success Warrior:

How do you say that waging an illegal war is terrible, morally corrupt, and, well, evil, but support Democrats who funded the war under Bush and increased troops when Obama became commander-in-chief?

Fuck the Democrats. They are not our friends.


  • In Egypt, they had Mubarak, a President more-or-less elected (mostly, less) who ruled under the Constitution which gave him absolute power. The people, banned from owning any arms, took to the streets, and a fair number were killed, but then the Army agreed: President Mubarak had to go, and the Army deposed him, replacing him with General Mohammed and suspending the Constitution, so General Mohammed now rules with absolute power. The means of production are all owned by the Army, which remains firmly in control. A new government is already in place, and if the protesters want it replaced, the Army will be happy to put in yet another new government. But the means of production will remain in the hands of the people who currently control them.

    Likewise, in Tunisia: the Army deposed ben Ali and replaced him with a clone.

    In Libya, as of current date, Qadhafi is recapturing Libya from the protesters, after killing quite a few.

    In Bahrain, only a very few were killed when they first took to the streets. President Obama called Bahrain and asked the King to refrain from violence, and he agreed. But, while the protesters were allowed to protest in peace, nothing changed until today, when the Saudi Army marched in to ensure that the overwhelming majority does not usurp the lawful rulers. The King of Bahrain can assure Obama that he never killed his own people after Obama’s request: it was the Saudis.

    So marching in the streets and getting killed doesn’t seem to accomplish much except for the martyrs, who are spared any further indignities.

  • Maybe Democrats once roamed the US. But even if they did, they’re extinct now.

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