This Week’s Anti-American Book Tour Schedule

This week features three radio interviews, all available via livestreaming, plus a solo live appearance in New York City, at the Brecht Forum. The focus will be my new “Anti-American Manifesto.”

I’m kind of surprised this book hasn’t become a big national story, but whatever. It’s also kind of a relief.

It’s also kind of nice. It’s OK to talk about revolution now!

Wednesday, September 22
Radio Interview
KGNU Morning Show, Colorado
10:35am-11:30am East Coast time

Thursday, September 23

Radio Interview No. 1
“News Dissector” Radio Show with Danny Schecter
10-11 am Eastern time

Radio Interview No. 2
KOPN Chautauqua, Columbia, MO
6-7 pm Central time

Friday, September 24
Brecht Forum
451 West Street
New York, NY 10014-2041
(212) 242-4201
Event begins 7:30pm


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