During the election, Obama was compared to the Eastern Island statues and Spock. Now I’m wondering if he’s even in the form of sentient. Whether it’s the spill in the Gulf or the economy, what a useless president.
In Case of Emergency

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
15 Comments. Leave new
Obama resign? Where’s your programs? Dick Cheney still thinks HE’S President. Since Cheney left office, the best doctors and researchers in the world tried, without success, to install an actual human heart in Cheney’s chest. Keeps getting rejected.
President Obama is a behind the scenes man. No need to go anywhere and have a prescience. He has people to do that. Not that they compare in size, but Rhode Island had a 200 year flood event and the President could not even fly over the State — on his way to a fund-raiser in Boston. He did stop in Massachusetts but it was lip service. Nashville was hit with killer floods, the President issued a press release. One of the worst man-made environmental disasters, and the President is going to drop by on way to chopping brush in Chicago. The President says he is working on it. What, he is a petroleum engineer? His job is to go and make a statement at the scene. Maybe if he pretends he is running for office. . .
Why share a thumbnail when you can share the actual strip?
I wouldn’t even joke comparing legally-elected President Obama’s travels and down time with Supreme-Court-Sanctioned Coup pResident, George W. Bush’s brush clearing extended vacations to Crawford. Ever since the Republican pArty, in lockstep, attempted to force Bill Clinton out of Office for getting blown in the White House, it’s been clear that the GOP sees losing an election as something as foul and corrupt as their recent illegal methods of gaining/stealing power. In fact, it goes back to Nixon’s Watergate. Just don’t get caught, and when caught, deny, deny, deny! President Obama gets four years, at least, to do his job. Bush got eight to destroy the USA as we knew it. Having to clean up the mess brought about by Bush AND Cheney AND Rove AND……….. doesn’t seem to phase anyone of short patience and political partisanship. Remember, Rush Limbaugh of rotten cheese mouth dishonor, wants Obama to FAIL. Limbaugh couldn’t care LESS how badly the country fares outside of his lavish, protected, overly compensated studio and protected self. The worse things get, the more money Limbaugh makes. Obama isn’t Bush. Or better said, Bush isn’t Obama. Bush wasn’t/isn’t a pimple on a gnat’s ass. But he still gets that comfortable government check with benefits NO honorable Veteran will EVER receive, and that’s what is so sick about George W. Bush. The worse he was, the more crooked and questionable his methods, and the more secret and covered up his history, the more he was rewarded. Bush/Limbaugh/Palin: the right ticket for the GOP in 2012. Bring back the Good Old Days!
Pssssst Anon, Bush has been out of office for a year and a half. Time to moveon.org
>>>Pssssst Anon, Bush has been out of office for a year and a half. Time to moveon.org>>>
US 395, the only thing you seem to be able to do is to spew out stereotypes. You don’t seem to have any original thoughts whatsoever. Are you one of those people who are paid by think-tanks to post at blogs? Must a cushy job.
Here’s a thought: Bush was never in office, and neither is Obama now. It’s Uncle Dick who’s been in charge for over nine years now.
I’ll take useless over abject evil any day, Ted.
A Highway post brings the image of an unfunny Inspector Clouseau with a dash of Colonel Klink. (Apologies to Clouseau and Klink).
HW: “Oooo! Oooooo! Something I can sink my teeth into! Let’s seeeeee….how should I begin? How about “Pssssst?” Yeah, that’s the ticket! “Pssssst!” ‘My strong suit definitely isn’t sarcasm, but I do sit on a high horse. An’…an’….an’ I’m 35 years old, I AM divorced, and I live in a van DOWN by the river.”
Explain to me the mechanics of how “Dick” is running the country now. Does he call Barry on his Blackberry?
Easy, Macadam. ‘Dick’ is the male-dominated, homophobic, good old boy system. Therefore, Dick IS running the country. Jane, on the other hand, wears a power suit, but runs pretty much nothing except in the bedroom.
It is inaccurate to refer to US 395 as a highway guys…..US 395 is a route…..US ROUTE 395. It runs from Idaho down to So Cal. I think….this dude’s probably in Coeur d’Alene Idaho….that’d be my guess
You are correct Aggie. US 395 ran from Idaho and terminating in San Diego. The Southern California portion has been replaced almost entirely by I15 with a few exceptions in northern San Diego county. I am not in Idaho. I am in San Diego.
I am quite comforted to learn that you live in San Diego -and not because most everyone I’ve known from San Diego is an a-hole. . .but because I’m glad conservatives live in places like San Diego, suggesting that maybe they have a vested interest in avoiding a global nuclear war. . .given that Pendleton and San Diego would be one of the juiciest first strike targets.
No doubt if there is a global nuclear was it will be our fault right?
Route, it depends on your definition of “we.” “we” as in, right wing Americans? I highly doubt it. “we” as in the United States….very probably that the US would precipitate or escalate such a nuclear exchange.
It also depends on what you mean by “fault.” Narrowly defined….those who started it….broadly defined…those whose actions contributed to the situation. It’ll be our fault. it’ll be your fault. We all could have taken actions that led us away from it. But i think it’ll start sort of the way World War I started…with one act of terrorism that sets of a cascade and ends in catastophe.