TMI Show Ep 69: Video Games Are Good For You

Live at 10 am Eastern/9 am Central time, and Streaming 24-7 Thereafter:

Video games have long been considered a waste of time and even a pernicious influence by many educators and political leaders in the establishment. In 2019, Gaming Disorder was even listed in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases. Gaming Disorder is “characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities.”

Not everyone was buying it. During the pandemic, new studies found that owning a game console and increased gameplay reduced psychological distress and improved life satisfaction among participants. The study found that spending just one extra hour each day playing video games was associated with an increase in mental health and life satisfaction.

On today’s “The TMI Show,” Manila Chan and Ted Rall ask gaming developer V.K. Samhith whether gaming ought to become part of psychological self-care.


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  • alex_the_tired
    February 1, 2025 11:16 AM

    “On today’s “The TMI Show,” Manila Chan and Ted Rall ask gaming developer V.K. Samhith whether gaming ought to become part of psychological self-care.…”

    On tomorrow’s show, an interview with the Sackler family about how opioids are good for you! But first, a word from our sponsor, Kamels Vape for Kids, now in Bodacious Bubblegum and Super Berry Explosion. “Come on, kid. Put it in your mouth!”

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