Joe Biden: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

            For journalists, this is the first of two occasions to discuss and evaluate the presidency of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. The second will arrive sooner rather than later, when the president dies. Long after we follow him to the grave, historians with the benefit of declassified archives and looser-lipped eyewitnesses will take their own measures of the man and his political career. So away we go with a look at…

            The Good…

            At the end of Trump’s first term, the country’s infrastructure was in woeful condition. The American Society of Civil Engineers’ annual report on the roads, water, waste treatment and schools we rely on gave it a grade “D.” 43% of roads were in miserable condition. We ranked at the bottom of the G20 most-developed economies in terms of infrastructure spending.

            The 2021 ASCE report said the U.S. needed to spend $5.9 trillion on infrastructure, $3.4 trillion of which was funded. The remaining funding gap was $2.5 trillion.

            Biden’s 2021infrastructure spending bill was the biggest and most ambitious attempt in decades to redress neglect by both Democratic and Republican presidents in the form of “deferred maintenance” and to maybe even build more. Republicans had long signaled that they were open to a bipartisan spending package. But when Biden asked for $4 trillion, they chopped it to bits. By the time he signed it into law in November 2021, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provided for just $1.2 trillion.

            Still, it was impressive. Monies authorized by this legislation will replace out-of-date infrastructure, fund new projects and renovate airports and freight rail and the electrical grid and countless other categories for years to come. Ten and fifteen and twenty years from now, you’ll charge your vehicle at a facility that otherwise might not have existed and drive across a bridge that doesn’t collapse because Biden spent his political capital on pushing this bill, the outgoing president’s signature achievement, through Congress.

            …The Bad…

            Throughout Biden’s first year in office, President Vladimir Putin repeatedly warned that Russia would not tolerate Ukraine joining NATO, the anti-Russian military alliance whose members pledge to treat an attack on one as an attack on all. Putin’s warning was hardly surprising; how would the U.S. have responded to Mexico or Canada joining an anti-U.S. military alliance like the Cold War-era Warsaw Pact, creating a tense border for hundreds of miles? The U.S. invaded tiny Grenada over far less. And Russia had history to consider: when Nazi Germany invaded Russia during World War II, leaving 27 million Soviet citizens dead in their wake, they came in via Ukraine—and the Ukrainians greeted the Nazis as liberators and eagerly participated in the Holocaust.

            Gambling that Putin was bluffing, Ukraine and its Western allies told Putin to go to hell. Months later, Russia invaded Ukraine.

            Three years later, despite spending a quarter of a billion dollars on advanced weapons, many of which vanished into the country’s bottomless pit of corruption, Ukraine is losing.

            Ukraine’s ex-actor president, Volodymyr Zelensky, played Biden for a fool. Biden assured Americans that our support for Ukraine was in defense of democracy. Ukraine then banned opposition parties, arrested political opponents, censored the media, banned cable news channels that didn’t toe the line and canceled presidential and parliamentary elections indefinitely. We’ve gone to the mat for the dictator of an authoritarian kleptocracy with a serious neo-Nazi problem, and lost.

            As if one poor choice of foreign bedmates wasn’t enough, Biden pulled the extreme-right government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu even closer following Hamas’ October 7, 2023 raid from Gaza. Like Zelensky, Bibi cashed the blank check from Biden like a drunk gambler on a bender, gleefully engaging in a ruthless campaign of ethnic cleansing and mass murder that has killed at least 200,000 innocent Gazans and been officially declared genocide by international bodies and revered human-rights organizations.

            Before he dropped out of the presidential race, Biden’s immoral stance in favor of Israel’s bloodthirsty leaders had already hobbled his chances and alienated his party’s progressive base, which was disgusted by the carnage. Kamala Harris, his anointed successor and who echoed his unconditional support for the IDF, inherited this liability. Still worse from a historical vantagepoint, Biden’s branding as a good, decent man, wound up in the toilet.  

            Oh, and Biden didn’t try to increase the minimum wage or create the socialized healthcare system we need and want.

…and The Ugly

You probably know what I’m going to say, but here goes anyway.

Following his disastrous LBJ-style withdrawal from the race, some Democrats now allow that the 82-year-old Biden ought to have kept his implicit promise to serve a single term, to be “a bridge, not as anything else.”

They’re half-right.

As has now been undeniably established from the testimony of the staff who knew him best and as ordinary Americans experienced with dementia could plainly see from the beginning, Biden’s mental deficiencies did not begin with his catastrophic debate performance in 2024. He had “good days and bad days” back in 2020. He ought not have run in the first place.

Vain and self-deluded, and clearly not as sharp as he needed to be to make such a decision, Biden and his DNC handler-allies somehow convinced themselves that he was the only Democrat who could defeat Trump in 2020. That was almost certainly untrue. There are credible cases to be made that any number of other of his primary rivals, beginning with Bernie Sanders, could have taken out The Donald.

Even if Biden’s only-I-can-beat-him calculus could be proven to have been accurate, however, the nation, the Democratic Party and Biden himself have paid an awful price for his hubris.

There is now no denying that all the “Weekend at Bernie’s” jokes were true. White House officials and staffers, and the Washington press corps, were “hidin’ Biden” for four years in one of the most breathtaking and long-running scams ever undertaken in U.S. politics. They ran a stuffed corpse for president, got it elected, pretended it was running the government, and then, incredibly, tried to pull it off a second time. The Democratic Party, which branded itself the anti-Trump party of democracy and fair elections, pulled off a coup d’état; after they relentlessly attacked Trump for serial lying, it turns out that they were even worse. They stand exposed and ridiculous.

And what was the point? Despite all their efforts, including weaponizing the judicial system against him, Trump won anyway. Now the Democrats are weak and discredited, setting up Trump to be more dangerous than he would otherwise have been.

(Ted Rall (Twitter: @tedrall), the political cartoonist, columnist and graphic novelist, co-hosts the left-vs-right DMZ America podcast with fellow cartoonist Scott Stantis and The TMI Show with political analyst Manila Chan. His latest book, brand-new right now, is the graphic novel 2024: Revisited.)

4 Comments. Leave new

  • alex_the_tired
    January 12, 2025 6:41 AM

    The “good”? I’ll unpack “Biden’s 2021 infrastructure spending bill was the biggest and most ambitious attempt in decades.”

    I’m reminded of the old math lesson from middle school. “Jenna sees a couch that costs $800. Then she sees the same brand and model of couch at another store on sale for $600. How much money did Jenna save?”

    The correct answer is $0. She spent $600. You don’t “save” money by spending it. The teachers get very upset with you for bringing this up, however, because it’s the “wrong” answer. Jenna “saved” $200. Similarly, Biden’s infrastructure bill wasn’t enough (as you explained). That isn’t a “good.” It’s a “fail.” If you need $20,000 to fix the roof, you need $20,000. Telling the contractor to just fix one-third of the roof for $6,000 won’t do anything (except waste $6,000).

    As for the “bad”? I am genuinely surprised that you left out the evacuation of Afghanistan. As one of Biden’s first major disasters, it was staggering. And brought to us in high-def living color.

    And “ugly”? You walk right up to it but don’t cross the line. The “hidin’ Biden” crowd? The conspirators in the White House, the press, etc., who did this? There has to be an investigation. A lot of these people sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution. If the president was incompetent, they were duty bound to remove him. The big “victory” of Watergate was that the corruption (Nixon and pals) was removed from office in shame. That’s the ugliest aspect of Biden’s Owner’s time in office: they got away with it. Unless Trump holds investigations (and assuming Biden’s Operators don’t preemptively have him pardon them).

    • Afghanistan is a good point. I ran out of space. Though I think he was right to withdraw. But not to leave them broke.

      • alex_the_tired
        January 12, 2025 10:20 AM

        I agree that leaving Afghanistan was the right move. My criticism is aimed solely at how Biden’s controllers weren’t able to organize the evacuation in a way that didn’t turn into the disaster it was. Afghanistan’s government was going to collapse no matter what we did. Because (all together now) that’s how the Cheney administration set it up.

        If I were one of the corpse molesters in the Biden admin (sic), I’d be very afraid of whether Trump’s going to have his Justice Department run an investigation. Because you know there’s no way the fingerprints aren’t all over the place on this one.

  • Someone who was knowledgeable about Afghanistan said that their army was around 300,000, plus 10s of thousands of police. Maybe 30,000 Taliban. The US thought there would be plenty of time to take care of the American helpers. Poor intelligence.
    A tragedy for sure. But just another tragedy of the many hundreds that happened over the 20 year war.
    OBL could have been rounded up by some Special Forces and good police work. But these wars were needed to get Bush a second term.

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