New Talk Show: “The TMI Show,” with Ted Rall and Manila Chan

As I wrote in my syndicated column for Creators Syndicate yesterday, my radio show for Sputnik Radio came to an end a week ago due to the closure of the station by President Biden. As of last Thursday, however, I am doing a new show, livestreamed online daily Monday to Friday 10-11 am Eastern time: “The TMI Show,” with my original “Final Countdown” cohost Manila Chan.

“The TMI Show” is completely viewer- and listener-supported, totally independent of editorial control or interference, and delves not only into the current news of the day but also in some esoteric cultural and demographic stories that get short shrift in the media. We’re about to start an audio streaming version. The video version is available on YouTube and Rumble both as livestream and archived if you prefer to listen/watch later at another time.

Please check it out!


1 Comment.

  • alex_the_tired
    October 24, 2024 11:53 AM


    Good luck on the new show. Here’s a question, just in case you throw it over to the audience.

    Here’s the wind up: I’ve been watching/reading the media coverage of this upcoming election. Basically, the mainstream media’s entire message boils down to: “If Trump wins, democracy ends. We’ll never vote again. He’ll disappear all his enemies. Etc.” There is no moderation (in the sense of balance) and no evaluation, no “Devil’s advocate” aspect to it. It’s absolutely binary in its presentation: if Trump gets a second term, it’s all over.

    Here’s my question: What happens to the media if they’ve gotten this wrong, and Trump’s second term is just, meh, more of the same? Reagan’s second term and Cheney’s second term were far more fraught: Does anyone remember Iran-Contra? Arms for hostages? Am I the only one who remembers John Roberts and Samuel Alito getting into the Supreme Court under Cheney’s reign? “Free Speech Zones”? The continuation of Afghanistan and Iraq? The epic relief failure after Hurricane Katrina? Remember the economic meltdown?

    I do. I remember it all. And I also remember that criticism against those conservative Republican leaders was (no pun intended) moderate at best. No one — certainly not to even a fraction of the degree currently being demonstrated — carried on about the dire and existential threat of four more years of Ron or Dick.

    So, if the media gets it wrong — again — what repercussions will they face? Can we, at long last, dismiss them utterly? How can ANY of them trade on their reputations when they’ve been so wrong about so much so often?

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