The Final Countdown – 7/10/24 – Americans Brace for Trump’s Long-Awaited VP Pick

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie discuss developments worldwide, including Americans waiting for Trump to announce his VP pick. 
The show begins with Belgian theoretical physicist and philosopher of science Jean Bricmont weighing in on the NATO Summit. 
Then, Dr. Wilmer Leon shares his perspective on the panic within the Democratic Party amid increasing calls for President Biden to drop out. 
Later, Retired Navy Captain and Former City Council Candidate Armen Kurdian talks about Trump’s potential VP picks.

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  • alex_the_tired
    July 11, 2024 6:49 AM

    I’m reminded of the comment attributed to Napoleon: “Never interrupt an opponent while they are making a mistake.”

    Right now, ALL the focus is on whether Joe Biden can draw a clock at 10:10 and recall the three words that were said to him 15 minutes ago. Trump would be a fool to distract anyone from that right now. Unless Trump thinks Biden is the only one he can beat in the election.

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