The Final Countdown – 1/5/24 – Iowa Caucuses Becomes Last Stand for Some Republicans

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall talk about current events domestically and globally, including the Iowa Caucuses. 

Steve Gill – Attorney
Scottie Nell Hughes – RT Host  
Mitch Roschelle – Media Commentator 
Mohamed Gomaa – RT Journalist 
In the first hour, attorney Steve Gill joins The Final Countdown to discuss the Iowa Caucuses, the Republican race, and presidential candidate Nikki Haley’s latest flub. 
Then, RT Host Scottie Nell Hughes joins to discuss a new poll that reveals that 38 percent of Americans believe the FBI was involved in Jan. 6, and Trump’s fight for state ballot access. 
The second hour begins with media commentator Mitch Roschelle weighing in on the New York City subway collision and the state of U.S. cities’ public transit. 
Lastly, RT journalist Mohamed Gomaa joins to share his perspective on the latest attacks on Lebanon and Iran as tensions rise in the Middle East. 

1 Comment.

  • alex_the_tired
    January 7, 2024 8:29 AM

    Iowa will mark the start of the end of both the Republican and democratic parties. Trump’s going to do swell. By the time the Supremes make up their minds, Trump will probably have come in first about eight times with a singleton silver and bronze. It’ll be like Usain Bolt vs. George Burns in a 100 yard dash. They won’t dare kick Trump off the ballot because that means handing the presidency to Harris in time for the 250th birthday of the country. So MAGA will get another four years to weed out the weak sisters. The Republicans will run Trump’s veep in 2028, assuming Trump hasn’t crowned himself emperor. I’m still thinking Tucker Carlson will be the veep. Like him or not, he knows how to use the cameras (a gimmick the animatronic doll called Kamala Harris never has incorporated into its programming), he’s articulate (if wholly innocent of the trivium), and he has that smug air of unearned accomplishment that the Republicans like so much.

    Meanwhile, the democrats already chased out all the progressives and anyone who ever sent a tweet that was judged unmutual by the self-anointed police wing of the party. By 2028, with Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton still, at least according to MSNBC, “relevant,” the party will be in full-blown senility. The media has no far-left commentators, and the centrist talking heads at CNN, ABC, the New York Times, etc., who pretend to be liberal/progressive are unendurable in doses longer that about two minutes. Further, the college base is just about worn out from multiple-cycle betrayal. By 2028, they’ll simply be too jaded to care about how the dems are running on a “let’s try to discuss whether we should ask the Republicans for permission to try to get Roe v. Wade back, maybe in a few election cycles” platform.

    See you all at the compounds that used to house the homeless.

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