The Final Countdown – 10/12/23 – Israel Forms Union Government Ahead of Military Operation in Gaza

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss hot topics, including Israel’s new unity government. 

Dan Lazare – Independent journalist 

Aviv Bushinsky – Former Media Advisor and Chief of Staff for Netanyahu 
Dan Kovalik – Human rights, labor rights lawyer 
Lauren Fix – Auto Expert
The show kicks off with Independent journalist Dan Lazare joining The Final Countdown to share his insights on the newly nominated Steve Scalice and the likelihood he will gather enough votes to become the Speaker of the House. 
Then, Former media advisor and Chief of Staff for Netanyahu, Aviv Bushinsky, joins The Final Countdown to discuss Israel’s new unity government.  
The second hour begins with Human and labor rights lawyer Dan Kovalik sharing his perspective on RFK Jr.’s Super PAC raising $11 million.
The show closes with Auto Expert Lauren Fix sharing her perspective on the UAW Strike expanding to Kentucky. 