The Final Countdown – 7/27/23 – U.S. Interest Rate Rises to Highest Level in 22 Years as Recession Looms

Host Ted Rall and Manila Chan discuss breaking news in this episode of The Final Countdown, including the U.S. interest rates.  
Scott Stantis: Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune 
Mitch Roschelle: Media Commentator, Thought Leader 
Steve Gill: Attorney, CEO of Gill Media  
Mark Sleboda: International Relations and Security Analyst
The show kicks off with Scott Stantis, Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune to discuss the Hunter Biden plea deal. 
In the second half of the first hour, Mitch Roschelle joins to discuss the Federal Interest Rates. 
The second hour begins with Steve Gill, an attorney, and CEO of Gill Media, to discuss Giuliani’s backtracking. 
The show closes with International Relations & Security Analyst Mark Sleboda to discuss the latest out of Russia and Ukraine. 