The Final Countdown -7/13/23 –

On this episode of The Final Countdown, the hosts Ted Rall and Manila Chan discuss top news including FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony.

Mark Sleboda: International Relations and Security Analyst

Jamarl Thomas: Co-host of Fault Lines

Rachel Blevins: Journalist and RT Correspondent 

Mitch Roschelle: Media Commentator, Podcaster

The show kicks off with International Relations and Security Analyst, Mark Sleboda joining to discuss the latest out of the NATO Summit. 

In the second half of the first hour, the hosts speak with Co-host of Fault Lines Jamarl Thomas to discuss Cornel West’s presidential campaign. 

The second hour begins with journalist and RT Correspondent Rachel Blevins discussing FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony. 

The show closes with Mitch Roschelle, Media Commentator and Podcaster, to discuss the investigation of Bank of America.
