Pneumonia and Me

Hillary Clinton’s campaign was wallowing in lies of omission when they covered up the fact that she had pneumonia. This isn’t sort of thing that just sneaks up on you. If indeed it really is pneumonia, this is something she has known about for a while. And, frankly, it’s medically irresponsible of her to continue campaigning and fundraising at this intense rate.

I suffer from chronic respiratory problems. This has been the case since I was 12 years old, when a Boy Scout camping trip went wrong and I wound up with a case of asthmatic bronchitis that left me with scarring in my lungs.

I’ve had pneumonia a few times and let me tell you, it makes you feel like you are going to die. And in fact, it kills a lot of people. So no matter what, what’s going on with Hillary Clinton is very serious. Especially considering her advanced age: 68.

I was also one of those people who was laid low by swine flu. My doctor actually thought I was going to die. Even then, I never collapsed. It’s hard to understand, as someone who suffers from chronic bronchitis, repeated bouts of pneumonia and has had swine flu, oh and the worst seasonal allergies in the world, what could be so brutal that it could cause her to collapse like that.

I’m not a doctor – many commentators have pointed that out, and they are right – but I’m not going to ignore my common sense. Something is going on with Hillary Clinton, something is up, it’s serious, and they are lying about it.


  • OT: I’ve been sponsoring Ted on Beacon for some time (five bucks a month, money well spent)

    They just cancelled my payments – I first thought I’d finally pissed Ted off so much he wouldn’t take my money. Turns out they’re shutting down. Skewed News appears to likewise be suspended or something, hasn’t been anything new for a time.

    I guess I’ll try his subscription service – anyone had experience with that? Good/Bad/Indifferent?

  • It seems perfectly plausible that Clinton lied to her staff–and maybe even to herself–about how shitty she felt. She’s clearly super driven, and people like that often don’t slow down when it’s obviously in their medical interest. That’s a personality flaw, but it’s not an especially unusual one in politicians, and it doesn’t imply that her campaign is or was hiding anything about her health, beyond their habitual cageyness.

  • Clinton could have told everyone that a pretzel hit her vagus nerve causing her to fall down.

    That worked for G.W. Bush when he came up with a bloody cheek after taking a fall from the proverbial “wagon”, one so familiar to AA members.

    Nobody in the media brought that possibility to the fore but Huey Freeman of Boondocks.

    In cartoonists I trust.

  • One more entry for the “Unforced Errors” column. Camp Clinton keeps pneumonia secret and now we’re all wondering if she’s about to drop dead from Parkinson’s. … Are Trump’s people running her campaign?

    • I’m not a doctor and I thought the chatter about her having major medical problems was a far right conspiracy theory but this weekend’s episode has me rethinking it. Most of these fringe conspiracy theories are laughable but even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Looking at her history of falling over, her coughing fits (which are documented happening far longer than last week) and her strange tics and freezes does at least make you question if she is suffering from some kind of neurological disorder. The fact that many Parkinson’s suffers develop pneumonia could be the campaigns way of telling the truth, just not the whole truth. Parsing language and telling half truths is a distinctly Clintonian hallmark. If she is suffering from some serious neurological disorder, the people around her know this and yet they continue to let her run to be president. A job that may be one of the most physically, mentally and emotionally taxing jobs in the world. Look at Obama. He came in 8 years ago looking like a spring chicken. He looks like a haggard, old pirate now. If she wins with a serious medical issue, how can she possibly hope to survive even a four year term?

      • “If she wins with a serious medical issue, how can she possibly hope to survive even a four year term?”
        Good question.

      • Hey, she only needs to hold it together until January 21st…

      • Yeah, then Tim Kaine becomes President!

      • If she is seriously sick and she fully expects not to make it through a first term, her whole campaign is basically the presidential version of the vapid and vacuous people who are compelled to write “First!” on online comment sections.

      • It wasn’t a secret right wing conspiracy. Read Scott Adams blog from this spring and summer, he’s very transparent about the strategy. Generally politicians have unexpected days out due to stress. It’s a normal, predictable thing. In a couple of the oldest candidates running for the office it’s all but inevitable. So, to go around predicting something inevitable and then — Wow, it happens! Is clever indeed, but it’s a clever deceptive trick, not a clever insight about the target for vilification.

        I don’t like Hilary much. I didn’t like Bill when he sent the national guard into Seattle, Dec 1, 1999 – to make the police riot at the peaceful protest (shown as police agitators smashing starbucks and niketown windows on TV) worse and more violent than it was. I don’t like corporate bills of rights…

        But the Clintons are the targets of the wrong type of criticism. I don’t care if Hillary passes out (as I did when a young healthy man due to low blood pressure and feeling like keeping going rather than slowing down) or the two of them are swingers behind closed doors. All the scandals the Clintons are known for are distractions from their real faults: pro big banking, pro war.

        But I don’t see how electing Berlesconi on steroids is going to help. At some point choosing the lesser of two evils is rational.

        The real problem is that Americans can’t form a decent coalition of progressives. The majority is a lot more sane than the polls or politicians predict. But we always get divided and conquered with ridiculous fake issues.

    • The Clintons are desperate to be in the history books as First* Woman President. (They tried in ’08 to have Hillary run completely on her own with Bill out of sight, but that didn’t work out very well.) So now they’re copying Ma Ferguson, the First* Woman Governor of Texas. Pa Ferguson was very popular with the voters, but the legislature voted that he could never run for office again, so Ma ran on the platform, ‘Two governors for the price of one,’ and voters knew Ma was only running to allow Pa to circumvent the Texas legislature.

      Now the Clintons are using the Ferguson campaign slogan, ‘Two presidents for the price of one,’ so for those who loved Bill but distrust Hillary, she’s just Bill’s way of circumventing term limits. And Bill has been doing a LOT of campaigning for the voters to elect Billary.

      There is absolutely no evidence either way, but maybe the Clintons know Hillary cannot last a full term, but still want her to be inaugurated, then drop out, so she’ll be the First* Woman President in all the history books. Heck, if she can make it to the election but not the inauguration, she’ll still be in all the history books. (Actually, she’s already there as the first woman nominated by a major party, but the Clintons really want to see her elected and inaugurated.)

      And 538 says, if she’s alive on November 8, she will be elected, and if she’s alive on Jan 20, she’ll be inaugurated.

      And then she can either quit, or maybe she’ll last long enough to keep her promise to liberate Syria and Russia from their evil dictators without a single American casualty, just as she transformed Libya from an impoverished, brutal, murderous dictatorship into a peaceful and prosperous democracy without any American in the armed forces getting as much as a purple heart!

  • Just a reminder. They kept FDR’s condition “secret” too. So our choices are either “Sick” or “Sick”? Great.

  • Ted has had experience with seasonal allergies and pneumonia and his experience says Hillary is not being honest about her situation, given what he has seen. I’ve had similar experience and her actions and comments seem fine to me (with regard to the pneumonia issues).

    I had heart bypass surgery 6 years ago, and after about two months, as I thought I was fully recovered from the surgery, I noticed minor issues suggesting things weren’t right. I called my doctor and over
    the phone she diagnosed it as pneumonia and prescribed antibiotics (so clearly bacterial pneumonia like Hillary is supposed to have). I thought that was a strong diagnosis based on flimsy evidence (my reported symptoms, which I cannot even remember anymore, they were so minor), so to placate me, they also scheduled a lung x-ray. Turns out my lungs were half full of fluid, and they stuck a needle into my back to get to the lungs and drained out a liter and a half of what looked like beer. The drugs did what they were supposed to, and I recovered fine. But the pneumonia was not a big deal — just made things a bit worse.

    At the same time, I have chronic low blood pressure. At times, just standing up from sitting or laying down is enough to make me light-headed and I have to steady myself. A handful of times in the past 60 years, it’s gone too far, and I’ve passed out. But they then run a set of tests and find nothing and decide I’m just tired, or overworked, or under stress, or de-hydrated.

    So, my experience tells me that (a) I could be told I have pneumonia, but feel that the symptoms are minor, and I should take the antibiotics but go on about my normal routine, and (b) I at times might become light-headed and just need to pause to let my blood pressure adjust to being vertical. Combining the two could well give the sort of behavior we saw out of Hillary, who is stupid in not telling people of the pneumonia diagnosis in the first place.

    And I have seasonal allergies, while living in the allergy capital of the world — Austin, Texas — where there is always something in the air to be allergic too.

    Now why has no one in the press ever (at least none that I’ve seen) asked if Hillary has had the pneumonia vaccine? I actually saw a local cable news report of Hillary’s health issues after the 9/11 ceremony, followed by a commercial for the Prevnar 13 vaccine! Of course, if they are giving her antibiotics, it must be bacterial pneumonia, and vaccines are for viruses, so the Prevnar is for viral pneumonia — apples and oranges — but that takes some thinking to understand.

    • @ crazylyle –

      Damn, that was a great post!

      I just wish the hell I knew what it meant or what it had to do with Ted’s article.


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