Cover Girl Caitlyn Jenner: And The Media Smiles — Condescendingly

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In one of the worst kept secrets since NSA spying on Americans, Caitlyn Jenner, the trans woman known until now as Bruce Jenner, who became famous as a record-setting decathlon champion during the 1976 Olympics, now debuts her new identity in a cover story in Vanity Fair magazine.

“A photograph of Ms. Jenner, shot by Annie Leibovitz, accompanied an article on her transition to a woman after long identifying as a man named Bruce … became a sensation on social media when the magazine posted the article online,” reported The New York Times. See the magazine’s YouTube excerpt of the interview below the fold.

This is a big story because Bruce Jenner was a man who, after gender reassignment surgery, is now a woman.

Caitlyn Jenner’s first tweet under her new name — “I’m so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. Welcome to the world Caitlyn. Can’t wait for you to get to know her/me” — garnered more than 150,000 followers within minutes.

Public interest has been raised by Jenner’s years as a reality TV star as well as the fact that while he was once a macho athlete whose image embodied the Wheaties cereal box, he is now not a male, but a female.

The New York Post led its coverage of Jenner’s upcoming feature story: “Meet ‘Her.’”

The quotes are because, whereas she was once a he, she is not a “real” she, in the minds of the editors of the Post, because she was born a man.

Much media reaction reflected the Johnny-come-lately status of trans people in the iconography of identity politics.

While gays and, to a lesser extent, lesbians have been considered acceptable among polite company in large coastal cities among educated elites for the better part of a decade or longer, transgenderism still makes liberals uncomfortable enough that it’s okay for them to vaguely allude to their lingering bigotry even while assuming the standard welcoming “hey, that’s great” posture.

The gossip site TMZ reported, for example, that Caitlyn Jenner “did not spell her first name with a ‘K’ because she wants a clean break from the Kardashian moniker.”

Of course, Kaitlyn is no more of a standard spelling than Caitlyn.

“Sources closely associated with Bruce tell us Caitlyn wants to make it clear to her family and the world … she is her own person. That sounds obvious, but we’re told it was an extremely meaningful choice for her … she has never been her own person before, and becoming part of the Kardashian brood would undermine her goal.”

Yes. It does sound obvious. An obvious attempt to reinforce the status of trans people as firmly entrenched, for now, as The Other.


  • i’m not fan of the post but the “her” could be a reference to the fact that, in his interview with diane sawyer (where he explicitly asked to be referred to as “he” at that point), he refused to give his new name and simply referred to his future transitioned self in the third person as “her.” i think he said something to the effect of “let’s just call her “her”.”

    also, as far as the k/c thing goes, i just don’t see what you’re talking about. there is nothing in what you quoted from tmz that is “an obvious attempt to reinforce the status of trans people as firmly entrenched, for now, as The Other.” in fact, in reporting something so trivial as if it was actually important, tmz does the exact opposite. it’s treating caitlyn exactly how it treats every other “celebrity.”

  • alex_the_tired
    June 10, 2015 10:53 AM

    Trans people were thrown under the bus by the gay rights movement, in a manner much like how women got thrown under the bus by the civil rights movement. Sort of a built-in compromise. Gay and trans start an uprising, and the compromise was reached to accept the more easily assimilated group by the society.

    A similar thing has been done within the gay community on multiple occasions. I’m sure, somewhere out there, is the spectrum of acceptability. From trans S&M kink furry bears on one end to Abercrombie & Fitch type Ivy League preppies on the other.

    In a really fair world, Ms. Jenner would have a new Wheaties contract and a 30-second commercial consisting of husband and wife at the breakfast nook. Wife (or husband) puts down the box of Wheaties with Caitlyn’s image on it. Husband (or wife) gawks for a moment and says, “Pass the MILF. I mean MILK.”

    Then cut to the black screen with the card that says, “Wheaties congratulates our former spokesman. And welcome her back as our new spokeswoman.”

    And that would be the end of it.

  • drooling zombies everywhere
    June 10, 2015 6:11 PM

    Well, the usual spelling in English is actually “Kathleen.”

    But I’m sure it’s really just TMZ making shit up for page views.

    “we’re told it was an extremely meaningful choice for her”

  • Betty K. Jenner (I like that name better ~)is neither male nor female, but much more like a neutered anomoly. It’s not a woman because it has a junked-up dick still tucked between those legs. It’s not exactly a man because of all the hormone injections being sustained. It goes far beyond “queer” because gay people really are all man or all woman … right down to the sexual appetite.

    Meanwhile, I wonder how many attention-span-deficit, video-morons have be distracted away from BarryHO’s TPP coup-de-tat? That’s where the real perverts of America are about to fuck the world up its ass.


    • Just got email notification that TPP has failed in the House!

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