African vs Mexican Immigrants: Get My Gun

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Americans are sympathetic to the plight of African immigrants drowning while trying to enter Europe, but they seem to care a whole lot less when the “illegal immigrants” are Mexican immigrants coming into the United States.

Americans are sympathetic to the plight of African immigrants drowning while trying to enter Europe, but much less so when the "illegal immigrants" are coming from Mexico into the United States


  • Well, if them African migrants were invading even your backyard pool Ted (along with all them criminally migrating Mexican hoods), Then you might want to pull your gun out and SHOOT FIRST, before they home invade you.

    Meanwhile, your artwork is not even ambiguous … she could be saying that there are a bunch of Euro-centric blondhairs in the yard, AND I’D STILL SAY “GET YOUR GUN JANIE.”

    Illegal immigrant accused of raping 10-year-old girl in Kenner
    Illegals Rape And Murder More Than Their Fair Share


  • It’s not so much the ethnicity of immigrants but their location.

    Of course, the immigration, wherever it is occurring, is generally the completely predictable reaction to the foreign policy, either recent or historic, of the countries trying to repel the immigrants.

    • The problem is not the “immigrant,” but instead it’s the economic invader. Simply swimming across a river, jumping a fence, or having a coyote sneak some foreign criminal past a checkpoint DOES NOT automatically bestow upon any trespasser the status of immigrant. An immigrant is any person that the U.S. Federal government has formally bestowed that title upon. Undocumented immigrant is an oxymoron, since to qualify as an immigrant any candidate MUST first establish Federally recognized documentation.

      Agricultural migrant, refugee, guest worker, permanent resident … all these categories have either an appropriate visa or other Federal document of residency (“Green-card”). There is no visa for economic invader, OR criminal trespasser. A tourist is (also) a visiting extra-national who is merely visiting, and — if that tourist is not a U.S. citizen (or legal resident) — has no right to casually obtain employment anywhere within the borders of the United States.

      The American public needs to learn that a spade is a spade. An “illegal immigrant” is a legal immigrant who has violated his/her Federal immigration contract. Once you clearly define the problem, it’s so much easier to identify the crooks who need to be tossed back across the border, sometimes forcefully.


      • Let me repeat: “Of course, the immigration, wherever it is occurring, is generally the completely predictable reaction to the foreign policy, either recent or historic, of the countries trying to repel the immigrants.”

        One economic assault creates an equal and opposite assault. See European colonization of Africa and NAFTA for a recent US assault.

      • falco,

        Why even go across the pond? Just punch “ethnic cleansing and genocide in America” into your favorite search engine:

        In this series of postings, I’m just focused on my generation, the fact being either you have a rule of law, or you don’t. Muddying the water with past holocausts only allows such war-crimes states such as Zionland to demand for itself a Yahweh-given pass on its ethnic-cleansing and genocide against a more indigenous, browner race of people, simply because somebody else did something similar to a more related ancestor.

        The Christian and Muslim Palestinians of the modern-day Middle East HAD NOTHING to do with Judaism’s fabled, Nazi-sponsored holocaust. Regardless, Zionland’s migrant hordes of Ashkenazis are inflicting a decades-longer (un)holy war against the indigenous peoples of the Fertile Crescent.

        The rule of law that I prefer is certainly not religious in nature.

        Instead, lets get back to talking about the criminal economic invaders of America.


      • @DanD

        re: war-crimes states such as Zionland to demand for itself a Yahweh-given pass on its ethnic-cleansing

        S/B “Uncle Sam-given pass” -> They’ll keep up their atrocities just as long as we keep propping them up and preventing the UN from stepping in.

      • That’s why we shamefully recognize WDC as Israeli-occupied territory.


  • There’s a great Chomsky quote – something to hte effect that, the farther away from the problem you are, the less violence seems like a viable solution.

  • To DanD:

    You said: “Instead, lets get back to talking about the criminal economic invaders of America.”

    You were the one on a bender.

    So you want to talk about Christopher Columbus?

    • Columbus is fabled history. His fuck-up didn’t even happen on the North-American continent, and it also occurred during an infinitely more tribal epoch. For the most part, the multi-cultural nation is a post-WWI invention of political expedience. Crissy? He wanted Euro-Catholic Caucasians to dominate. Those more in tune with the Anglo crowd? “Let’s empower the pastier Protestants (and goddamn them white-nigger Catholics)!”

      So tell me falco, what is it you want to do, just how many freebees should the alien criminal trespassers get? Maybe we should have a referendum, EVERYBODY who wants to help the four-corners economic invaders from around the world conquer us, well they can also pay for it all.

      Personally, I’d rather America’s welfare state spend all its money on me first (you know, us natural-born — or otherwise qualifying — citizen types), and regardless of race or ethnicity, FUCK the rest of the world’s wetbacks. It’s one thing to offer my charity, it’s something entirely different to have it stolen. By virtue of his trespass, the border-crasher is an unmitigated thief. Mexico aggressively treats illegal border-crashing by US types as a crime, certainly their wetbacks should be treated no differently.


      • Oh, Hell Yeah. All those border-crashing alien criminal trespassers should just go back to Europe!

      • Well, I’m just limiting my wishlist to first-generation international trespassers, and yes, even from Europe.


      • Again, what’s your point, CH? That because hundreds of years ago Europeans “stole” land, modern Americans have to let everyone into their nation? That’s absurd on its face, but I really don’t see what other purpose comments like yours have.

      • “That’s absurd on its face”

        That right Jack. Very good! But if you’ll read carefully, you’ll notice I didn’t say that. YOU said that.

        I didn’t say we should let everyone in. I didn’t say we should give Texas back to Spain. I didn’t say the moon is made of green cheese. I didn’t say you have the reading comprehension skills of a goldfish.

        That would be an insult to goldfish everywhere.

      • I’ll try once more. If that is not what you are implying, what is the point of that comment? You never tire of repeating it, so I’d like to know what you think you mean.

      • The point is to sarcastically point out the hypocrisy of self-righteously presuming that you’ve got some sort of moral claim to something your ancestors stole in the first place.

        You have the exact, same, moral rights to this country as that Mexican immigrant. Which is to say, none whatsoever. If anyone can make that claim on a moral basis, it would be the people who got here first.

        Would you make that claim on the basis of legality? Whose law? What gave us the right to make that law in the first place? I’m pretty sure that nobody asked the Indians whether they liked our ideas about who could or could not live here. No, we stole it first THEN started talking about law.

        The basis or our claim is not morality or legality, but “Might makes right” – we were strong enough to take it from the original inhabitants and strong enough to defend it from all comers.

        That’s it. That’s my point. There is no hidden meaning, no implied solution, nothing more than what I’ve said here.

        So why don’t you cut it out and paste it on your refrigerator? Then the next time you’re all confused you can re-read it rather than making the same silly comments.

        (Gra ohpxf fnlf Wnpx’f erfcbafr vf nobhg ‘juvgr thvyg’ be fbzrguvat fvzvyne.)

      • That’s certainly the case, back during the Caucasian diaspora from Europe, we (the White man) were mightier than the local natives of North America. We also ended up being mightier than the Spanish, French, and English, ’cause we also kicked their asses out (or otherwise culturally assimilated them) and developed our own, distinct, rule-of-law.

        AND NOW … I dearly desire that overwhelmingly-White-man-composed rule of law remain the dominating charter. If the Mexicans, or Guatemalans, or Salvadorans, or French, German, Israelis, Canadians, or Brits want to come over here, then fine! They can all do it precisely according to U.S. immigration law. Otherwise, we should unceremoniously dump their invading criminal asses back across the border WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE. That’s how you protect a national homestead.

        Ultimately, ANYBODY wetbacking it across the border and then claiming to have some perverted brand of “immigration” right is fundamentally wrong, and I could care less whose ancestor my ancestors may have ethnically cleased out of North America 200, 100, or even just 50 years ago. Equal protection under the CURRENT law also presumes equal responsibility to that same legal code. If any property claimant ever got kicked out unlawfully, then they need to go the legal route. If that can’t happen? Well, it’s no perfect world. But re-invaders should still be treated with no gentleness.

        So if it takes a whole lot of hardware, blood, and heartache to kick out even millions of foreign invaders that have wetbacked it in here for the last several generations? Well, sometimes shit just has to happen if you choose not to be conquered by a criminal horde of culturally diseased, lawless invaders.


      • Dan sez, “we (the White man) were mightier than … French, and English … German, …, Canadians, or Brits”

        soooo … the French, English, Germans and Canadians don’t qualify as (White Men) … that’s going to surprise a lot of people. But then a lot of Brits, French and Canadians are black, brown, yellow or red people.

        … as are many US citizens … evidently that also comes as a surprise to a lot of people :: pointed glace upwards ::

        However you’ve pretty much proved my point for me: as far as you’re concerned, might makes right.

        If that’s the case then Al Qaida was right on 9/11, Brinsley was right in New York and the Israelis are right in Palestine. If some “inner city thug” pops a cap in your ass – he’ll be right on that day as well.

        And you’d be perfectly content with that … right?

      • Hey CH, its the perpetual story of my own low-rent tribe of pasty people, and the Brits still treated us like we were a different race.


      • Hey, Dan – I’ve been rereading Zinn’s excellent, “The People’s History of the United States”

        In the early days, the white “servants” were treated little differently than the black ones. The gentry started treating the whites slightly better because they started teaming up with the blacks to oppose their oppresses.

        They’re still playing the same game today. So long as they can convince you that your fellow 99%’ers are the enemy they win.

      • “oppressors”

        Ducking auto-correct.

      • CH,

        “The gentry started treating the whites slightly better because they started teaming up with the blacks to oppose their oppresses.”

        AND THAT is when the white elites created the KKK as their own, race-oppressing version of Pinkertons. The Klan was just as vicious to “liberal” Crackers as it was to uppity Niggers. But it was much more fashionable — especially in the South — to get a generational family photo while standing next to the barbqued body of a lynched Black man/woman. Smiles for everybody (but only if you’re White).

        Ultimately, the brotherhood that had started to develop between Wigger trash and the Nigger-class was crushed down a White-supremist memory-hole.


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