Special Guest Post: Two things!

Alex the Tired here. Just dipping my hand in.

1. James Brady died. Most people don’t remember who James Brady was. Even the people who were alive when he was shot by John Hinckley probably didn’t remember his name without prompting. He was Reagan’s press secretary.

I wonder if Brady ever thought about all the gun killings that happened after his maiming. All these politicians claiming his friendship, talking about how wonderful and special he was, and here’s Columbine. And the D.C. snipers. And Newtown. And Sandy Hook.

Thirty-three years in a wheelchair, put there by a lunatic who couldn’t separate reality from fantasy, and all the effort to get guns off the streets made no difference: the politicians still suck up to the NRA.

I hope Brady never figured out how little he meant to all those politicians, how the massive derangement of his life was simply the cost of doing business when the NRA lobbyists came to town to wheel and deal.

2. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. According to the New York Times, Bergdahl “did not exercise his right to remain silent in an interview with the officer investigating his disappearance.” Anyone want to take odds on how long it will take to find Bergdahl guilty?

Bergdahl better start writing that pardon request right now. If he gets it in before the impeachment proceedings start, he might luck out …


  • Funny how authoritarian Americans (only the authorities should have weapons, and the more and bigger the better) are critical of the NRA while giving the greatest purveyor of weapons and violence in the history of the world–that being the pentagon and its enabling American government–a pass.

    Must have something to do with American Exceptionalism: The belief that no matter how many foreign governments and their elections the US subverts; no matter how many baseless wars devastate no matter how many millions; no matter how many are tortured and imprisoned without cause for no matter how long; no matter how many non-white Americans populate the extreme lower classes and prisons: The Government of America would NEVER do anything so underhanded and deceptive to its own (White) people.

  • Bergdahl’s screwed, even if “our” armed forces weren’t more concerned with perception than reality the best he could hope for would be an AWOL charge. Today, the best he can hope for would be a dishonorable discharge – the worst a seven gun salute preceded by a cigarette and blindfold.

    The true criminals of this fiasco will never be tried.

  • I note from the article (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/07/us/bergdahl-details-disappearance-to-general-leading-an-inquiry.html?_r=0 ):
    “Superior officers could also conclude that no punishments are warranted.”

    After reading the article from June 7, 2014 (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/08/us/us-soldier-bowe-bergdahl-case-highlights-a-unit-known-for-troubles.html ), I am convinced that Bergdahl will be exonerated and face no punishment.

    We’ll see.

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