Once again, Western countries play it both ways in a civil war

The Syrian government of Pres. Bashar al-Assad claims that Western intelligence agencies are playing a double game: working with Syrian intelligence against the rebels, and also financing and arming them at the same time. http://nyti.ms/19uz8zX


  • Makes perfect sense if the goal is simply destabilization. ‘Cause the goal sure as hell isn’t peaceful resolution.

    • That’s one road to peace – help ’em kill each other off. Might be the smartest move we’ve ever made over there.

  • I must, once again, recommend Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins. The book goes from 1971 until 2004, but I’ve only read as far as 1978, and so far, I know it’s factually correct.

    First, people like Mr Perkins go to countries with valuable resources and convince their leaders to buy stuff with sovereign debt they don’t need and can’t afford. Western corporations make huge profits, and the countries’ leadership gets a big enough cut that they fully cooperate. Most of the time.

    Torrijos of Panamá didn’t cooperate fully, and was killed in a mysterious plane crash. Such accidents (Perkins writes) are engineered by ‘jackals’. When the jackals can’t eradicate a troublesome (to the Western corporate interests) leader, the military goes in.

    In addition to Torrijos, Perkins give examples of Iran and Mossadegh, Allende, and Arbenz in Guatamala where the jackals were effective.

    To which we can add Iraq and Libya where military action was needed after all the jackals failed.

    And Syria is clearly next.

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