Obama Caught Trashing Environment

Eager to sell out to corporations, Obama agrees to TPP trade agreement that guys environment, and allows “finning” – cutting off fins of sharks, then throwing them back in to die. If you doubted Obama is scum, here you are. http://nyti.ms/K0HzaP


  • alex_the_tired
    January 15, 2014 7:14 AM

    Most little boys tire eventually of chasing ants with magnifying glasses. We call them adults.
    Some delight in the torture of animals. We call them presidents. Or “sir.” Then call us “folks” or “fools” depending on whether the camera mikes are hot.

  • I bet he’s really disappointed that his bid on the rhino didn’t win.

    Oh, but we must be tolerant of other cultures. So insensitive to care about nonhumans.

    • alex_the_tired
      January 15, 2014 9:38 PM

      I don’t mind killing for survival. Someone hunting an animal to keep from starving, or even merely to be self-sufficient, is one thing, but to kill something just to kill it? Would any of these “hunters” bid hundreds of thousands of dollars to be able to assist a vet in euthanizing a rhino?

      I can only hope the human genome gets some major editing. Soon.

      • In order to live, someone else must die. In order to eat, someone else must be eaten. Even if one believes all life forms, even plants, are people of a sort, this is still an immutable fact. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

        In the case of sharks,the problem is similar to the near-extermination of bison for their skins.

        I love your veterinarian comparison.

  • Also, bycatch is routinely killed by trawlers without keeping even bits of the animals for consumption. It’s not like this kind of pointless murder is anything new.

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