LOS ANGELES TIMES CARTOON: Regifting for Politicians



I draw cartoons for The Los Angeles Times about issues related to California and the Southland (metro Los Angeles).

This week:

After learning that elected officials in the state of California collected over two hundred grand in gifts during 2012 — which doesn’t include the $6.7 million donated solicited by officials on behalf of their favorite charities and causes  — the group Common Cause issued a report calling for tighter limits on this potentially corrupting influence.

One suggestion: “Apply the $10-per-month limit on gifts from lobbyists to also include gifts from the lobbyists’ clients. Currently, clients can give up to $440 per year to public officials.”


What is this, Secret Santa?

Even more depressing than the thought that our public servants can be bought is the notion that they’re selling themselves so cheaply. $440 a year? These guys aren’t call girls. They’re not streetwalkers. Even crack hos charge more. (Are there still crack hos? Meth hos? Anyway.) Hard times, it seems, have spread through the political class.

On the other hand, if I’d known that I could buy a state senator for the spare change in my couch cushions, there would be a Ted Rall Freeway Interchange by now.

The idea of pols and political appointees getting their relatively minor gifties further austeritized is inherently amusing, making this week’s cartoon one of those pretty-much-writes-itself deals. Given the time of year, jokes about regifting, stupid gufts and pets you don’t want but feel guilty about getting rid of seemed too easy to pass up.

It’s enough to make you feel sorry for a politician.


Happy what’s left of the holidays, everyone.


  • I gotta admit I adore snakes and wind gongs. But I don’t engage in financial transactions in bathrooms.

  • Panel 2 – “Wind Gongs”? Aren’t those Ben-Wa Balls? (More usefu, anyhowl.) 😀

    • Well, here’s another instance where the “Edit” button would be useful. This freaking laptop of mine (made in China, bought in Mexico) jumps around and does its own thing without my input or interference. (It has even changed my default language from English to Spanish all on its own!) The “l” in “anyhowl” belonged at the end of “usefu” but it posted and I didn’t have the opportunity to correct the original post. What a pain in the butt. 🙁

      • And it was entirely obvious that happened. Dude, stop worrying about this stuff. You’d think we were issuing grades. 🙂

      • @ Miep –
        It drives me crazy, because I’m a perfectionist. I want my posts to be “flawless” since I’m a retired teacher of English/French/German (who issued grades). I want the opportunity to review before the comment is posted, and I want the opportunity to edit the remarks. Someone (you?) said it was possible to limit edits to a couple of minutes. I would like that.
        [Note: It’s hell to be me!] 😀

      • Yes, I read about a comment editing plug-in that allows a timing set. But the bottom line here is that it’s Ted’s blog and it’s really not cool to keep harassing him about this, and that nobody is keeping you from slowing down and being more careful about proofreading before you hit the post button.

        With that, I’m out of this discussion.

      • Derlehrer, sounds like a virus.

      • This has certainly turned into an interesting discussion and I feel obliged to respond to several comments. I’ve discontinued the use of the Chinese-made Mexican computer and opted to use a more reliable older-model Compaq belonging to my wife and brought from the U.S. 🙂
        1) @ Ted Rall – You are correct: It sounds like a virus. If it’s a virus, it crept past the anti-virus program that came with the computer (run weekly) and also the anti-virus program that comes with the proxy server that I use when on the internet. Frankly, I think it’s any one of (or a combination of) problems associated with the Windows 8 (Single Language) O/S or the made-in-China crap that is exported into Mexico (and elsewhere). I appreciate your concern and I realize that it isn’t your problem. I’m simply requesting (selfishly and on behalf of another member) that you reconsider the “Edit” option within a limited time-frame.
        2) @ Miep – I thought you previously posted that you were out of the discussion. I’m happy to see that you changed your mind. My concern with posting here really does not involve my personal computer problems, nor any obsession with how comments post. Rather, when my son took over as Webmaster all members were requested to submit ideas that they thought were beneficial to this blog. One of my first was to provide an “Edit” option. Ted has explained that he would prefer to prevent “Delete” after an extended discussion, and I can understand that. However, when something is posted (as previously seen) with format problems or if a member sees immediately after posting that the post is in need of some corrections, it seems reasonable to me that a limited time could be provided for edits. It isn’t a matter of accommodating my computer problems, but of providing an opportunity for EVERYONE to have a “re-do” when they notice their post didn’t turn out as desired. Further, your submission that I have been “insisting” that Ted talk to Alexander about my “Edit” suggestion is dishonest and self-serving. The suggestion has been submitted by others as well, you know. I still think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. (And I’m extra-happy that it isn’t YOUR blog!)
        3) @ Russell – I learned to type by touch more than 50 years ago. It wasn’t an inadvertent striking of the “Enter” key. I’m convinced it was the result of the “yellow menace” of the Chinese computer, which on occasion has highlighted and deleted text (until I learned to move the pointer/cursor to a neutral zone on the screen). It wouldn’t have been so bad if I could have undone the post(s). I found the one elsewhere in another window and posted it subsequently. But that’s a horse (or something) of a different color. Thanks!
        HAPPY NEW YEAR, Y’ALL! 😀

    • @ Miep –
      Have you bothered to read anything I’ve posted? I’ve tried to explain that I didn’t hit the “post button”; my idiot computer posted before my comment was finalized. Therefore, “slowing down and being more careful about proofreading” is NOT applicable, and I don’t consider my suggestions harassment. (The “Follow” option was at my suggestion, BTW.)
      Okay, it’s a singular example and applies only in my situation. However, there are others who would like the chance to edit AFTER a comment is submitted, and I think it is reasonable to offer that option.
      It was at my suggestion that Ted chose to go with the current Webmaster, my son, and I hope that between the two of them they can find a solution. Okay? ‘Nuff said.

      • Yes, I understand that you have computer problems and are obsessive about how your comments post, but I also understand that other people aren’t obliged to see your having problems as something they are obliged to accommodate. Maybe Ted just doesn’t want to have an edit function and isn’t obliged to justify why. And I think insisting he talk to your webmaster son about it is intrusive and demanding. If someone pulled that on my blog I’d be tempted to spamzone him.

      • Did you hit the ENTER key, perhaps?

  • Panel 2 – “Wind Gongs”? Aren’t those Ben-Wa Balls? (More useful, anyhow.) 😀
    See what I mean? My Chinese-Mexican laptop returned me to this page all by itself. (I’m not kidding!)

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