This Is What a Pile-On Looks Like

Check out the pretzel logic and intellectual dishonesty behind the Daily Kos Obama dead-enders in this latest, the 10th or so assault against me, there.

The comments thread is instructive. Note that when reasonable people drive trucks through the holes in their logic, they are ignored and insulted.


  • Sigh. As if there weren’t dozens of more important issues to expend outrage on – no offence, TR. I swear, I’m beginning to think the bubble on the left is not much different from the one on the right. Where’s the outrage about [Dirty Wars

    • alex_the_tired
      December 8, 2013 2:55 PM


      For me, maybe for others too, the issue has never been, specifically, that Ted is being ganged up on by a bunch of thugs. The problem is that this is being done by a purportedly “liberal” and “progressive” website.

      They are doing all of this with no evidence that supports their supposition. To my knowledge, NO cartoonist has come forward and said, “Yes, Ted was drawing a racist cartoon.”

      They are doing this even after several cartoonists have come forward and explained about the creative process and so forth, and how Ted wasn’t being racist.

      They offer no evidence of Ted engaging in any racist activities.

      They won’t have a legitimate, rational discussion, instead, preferring to engage in the sort of crazy that Ted linked to in his current post. Have you read the comments Winston? It’s like four out of five of the participants have severe ADD. The comments barely follow a narrative, some of the respondents do not seem to actually be interested in the discussion at all, just with contributing one line of snark or a complete non sequitur.

      Yes, there are other serious things going on, but if you think: 1. a gang of faux-liberals
      2. ganging up on a cartoonist
      3. after screaming “racist”
      4. without being required to prove their allegation
      5. and without offering any evidence

      isn’t serious, well, look up Mike Dana and Boiled Angel. Look up Fells Acres and Gerald Amirault.

      This is all very, very serious business.

  • Wow that blogger is a lying sack of shit! “I’m not going to link his column because I don’t want to drive traffic to his site.”. Fuck you you fucking liar! That’s what everyone should have responded to his post with.

    lie #1: that guy knows your column does actually say you think pat is a progressive, it just says he is on some very important issues.

    lie #2: that guys isn’t linking your post because he doesn’t want his readers to find out about lie #1, traffic has nothing to do with it. Also that traffic comment implies that his readers will be doing a disservice to liberals if they actually go to your site and check his post because they will be driving traffic to a conservative and presumably make him money. Totally sneaker fucker move.

    what an asshole. I’m surprised more of the commenters on kos didn’t catch call him out.

  • Bunch of Dittoheads basically (

  • Sigh. I just read your column on Rand Paul, and it’s clear that you’re not coming across as a supporter. You merely pointed out that he is taking the right stands on some critical issues, that Democrats overall are wimping out on. Which needs to be said.

    • Also, it’s inexcusably disingenuous to misrepresent an article as being wholly supportive of a politician’s policies, and then refuse to link to the article. Mahakali, this is shameful behavior.

      • This is “her” entire reason for being. To distort truth.

        On the internet no one knows you’re a poorly paid employee of HBGary.

  • Intellectual dishonesty…or maybe just too stupid to get the nuance of underlining the irony of RAND PAUL doing the work that “progressives” should be dong versus, you know, actually supporting him wholeheartedly as the “diarist” asserts. They really are a bunch of children. All of their rants scream to me, “RALL DOESN’T AGREE WITH MY WORLDVIEW. HOW DARE HE!” with all the phrases such as “I’m not sure what makes him think he has the right…” and other comments which repeat that you, Ted Rall, do not have the standing or something to weigh in on these issues. Your viewpoint is not valid or welcome. Goodbye.

    Their tone makes them sound as if they believe they are doing God’s work in DIARIES? Seriously? Are they junior high girls?

    • I was quite fond of mahakali overdrive when I blogged there. She’s not stupid.

      It’s more like having fallen into a cult.

      • I don’t know her or who she is. All I know is she sure writes like she is stupid. Her illogic and hypocrisy is staggering. (On the latter, I love how she whines about her feeeeelings even as she savages, for example, mine.)

      • Mahakali overdrive is very very poor, but vacations in Europe every year because she’s a shrewd shopper.

        She drives a Porsche her grandmother left her.

        Her Jewish Grandmother. Who survived the holocaust. Then bought a Porsche.

        As holocaust survivors so often do.

    • It’s hard for me to feel angry about her post, though I am good about pointing out that it’s dishonest.

      As Alex noted, there is history there, and they tend to hang onto it.

      I watch them because it’s interesting, in an anthropological kind of way.

      But I’m not sure I can do it anymore. This is getting too much like watching soul-stealers.

  • I guess they fancy themselves mind-readers now, when they’re not going around spreading bullshit rumors about people based on articles they didn’t bother to read.

    I’ve seen people picking up on the Rand Paul lie, saying you support him despite his holding racist and misogynist positions. I don’t know whether that qualifies as libel but it at least is very close.

    • Given that millions of voters support Rand Paul, it’s probably a legally indefensible position to claim libel when people accuse me of being a Rand Paul supporter.
      What’s that line about a lie traveling around the world before the truth gets out of bed? We’re seeing that here, in spa — er, abundance. A lot.
      I’ve been pretty clear about Rand Paul. He’s not close to my political cup of tea, yet he is by far the only major political figure speaking out against drones attacks and privacy rights. Which doesn’t mean he’s such a great guy — it means that the so-called progressives are even worse.

      • Well, if someone says “Ted Rall said so-and-so” and they cannot provide evidence that you did say such a thing, they rate a cease-and-desist letter, which is not to say I recommend you have one sent.

        The icky thing about USAians in this context is the willingness to ignore abhorrent foreign policy as long as we get our gay marriage and legal marijuana and black or female politicians. While these are surely valid causes, there is something Faustian about the bargain, and people don’t like having it pointed out that when Obama drones you, none of these concerns are of any relevance at all.

        Seeing that O is pretty much in the habit of murdering brown people, there’s your racism, right there.

        I appreciate your outrage about the essay in question and share it. I’m just shocked at some of the people this garbage is coming from. Meanwhile they have turned on each other, threatened doxxing, run each other off the blog.

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