Glenn Beck on Daily Kos Cartoon Censorship

In a classic display of the dictum that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, conservative talker Glenn Beck has (sort of) defended me in the court of public opinion.

Beck took to the airwaves to say that I’d somehow been hoisted by my own race-baiting petard by not speaking up for right-wingers accused of racism for criticizing Obama:

The minute these guys who have power up at the top find you no longer useful, you are done. And you’ve set your own trap. You’ve set the standard: There is no standard.

Well, I don’t think I was ever useful to the Democratic Party. I’m not in this for the party, I’m in it for the politics — and the Democratic Party abandoned us a long time ago. Still, even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and Beck had some sage words:

Look at the McCarthy hearings. When you can just say, ‘COMMUNIST!’ This is why we have said: Racism is the new McCarthyism. What they are doing is the new McCarthyism…Once they label you with that, you are done. That’s what happened in the 1950′s… You were labeled a communist, and your life was destroyed,” Glenn explained. “The same thing is happening with Ted Rall. Is Ted a racist? I don’t know. I don’t know him. Was that a racist cartoon? No.

Thanks, Glenn. We won’t mention that McCarthyism was by and large a conservative/Republican phenomenon.



  • I’m pretty sure Glenn Beck is a huckster for the fear-market of overpriced gold and provisions, but he does also seem totally insane. Pretty cool he is defending you. Witchhunts are always a danger. You have suggested that Republicans/Tea Partiers hate Obama because of his race but I think most of them hate him because he is a Democrat and “liberals” like him. Most of these “conservatives” are automatons and will hate what their talking heads tell them to hate. It is all for the sake of the theater. There must be a boogeyman. There must be distractions from the substance of our many problems. Also, some of these right-wingers really don’t think Obama’s policies go far right enough because he is a Democrat! He will never be good enough. THE SAME WAY OBAMABOTS PAY MORE ATTENTION TO WHAT HE SAYS, SO DO REPUBLICANS. They are always attacking him for apologizing to the world, talking about green energy, claiming to want social justice, blahblahblah.

  • alex_the_tired
    December 5, 2013 5:46 PM

    The comments seem to be wandering away and disappearing again.

  • “We won’t mention that McCarthyism was by and large a conservative/Republican phenomenon.”

    Neither will we bring up the fact that the old USSR resembled a Republican’s wet dream far more closely than it resembled a true communist state.

  • “We won’t mention that McCarthyism was by and large a conservative/Republican phenomenon.”
    Is there anything praiseworthy of a movement that targeted Lucille Ball for being a member of the Communist Party?
    I think not. That alone should be enough to shame the GOP into eternal silence.

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