Part of me thinks that a debt ceiling default would be not so bad

I admit it: part of me thinks that a default by the United States on its bonds, notes and other obligations following the failure of Congress to raise the debt limit would not necessarily be a terrible thing.

I don’t doubt that it would be bad for the economy. But I think the system is headed towards collapse. And although I would personally suffer as a result of another economic downturn, I think the sooner this corrupt, bankrupt, unworkable capitalist system comes crashing down…

Well, the better it’s going to be for the world. And for us in the long run.

The truth is, collapse is a zero-sum game. If you recognize that the system sucks and has to go, anything that hastens that is good. If you decide to ignore that reality, then what you’re doing is supporting the existing system. There are no other ways to look at it.
