Spin Cycle

Talk about spin:

“This fast pace of sign-ups shows that New York State’s exchange is working smoothly with an overwhelming response from New Yorkers eager to get access to low-cost health insurance,” said Donna Frescatore, the executive director of the state exchange.

We’ll see later this week whether I can finally snag some insurance.


  • Yeah, I’m taking notes. I want to be a doctor someday after all.

  • Obamabot logic: Our shitty website crashing proves Obamacare is a success!

    These people are deranged. They’re no reasoning with them.

  • Everything is taken as evidence in favor of Obama. The same as Republicans taking everything as evidence against him. Same as during Generalissimo Dubya’s regime. Terror attack? Means we need a strong leader like him. No terror attack? Good thing we have Dubya.

  • “This fast pace of sign-ups shows that New York State’s exchange is working smoothly with an overwhelming response from New Yorkers eager to get access to low-cost health insurance.”

    Just because a bunch of starving people show up at your house to eat whatever crumbs you throw at them doesn’t mean you’ve fixed them a gourmet meal.

  • Once upon a time, before most of you were born, there was a big fight over nuclear power. Everyone agreed that the radiation would kill lots of people, but it would provide electricity ‘too cheap to meter’. Advocates said the free electricity for everyone was worth the deaths. Opponents said we could live without free electricity to save those lives. The reality was that a coal kills more people than nuclear power, and electricity from a coal-powered plant is MUCH cheaper than electricity from a nuclear power plant. A battle of wits between unarmed opponents.

    With the ACA, Obamabot advocates say it will cost the government money, but will finally see that all Americans have access to affordable healthcare (Matt Bors implies that, for Obama’s $100 per month, we’ll even get full dental coverage). Opponents say it will give lazy Americans access to the healthcare they won’t work to earn, but will bankrupt the government. Again, a battle of wits between unarmed opponents. The ACA is currently running, in spite of the shutdown, because it isn’t using ANY government funding. The Supreme Court said the ACA ‘tax’ on everyone who doesn’t have insurance was legal, but the subsidies were unconstitutional. And we’re seeing: the only ‘affordable care’ is in the name, not the actuality.

  • “Matt Bors implies that, for Obama’s $100 per month, we’ll even get full dental coverage”

    Why am I not surprised. That idiot Bors makes up his own version of reality every day.

  • It just keeps getting better.

    Today, Ben Sargent’s cartoon is the Tea Horsemen of the Apocalypse: War, Famine, Pestilence, and affordable healtthcare from the ACA.

    One comment posted Ashley Dionne’s letter, that she logged onto the healthcare.gov computer and found that it offered a policy that would cost four times what she’s paying using her current subsidised plan, with much larger co-pay and deductible. So she concluded that she’ll have to pay that four times as much because of the ACA (which is, of course, not at all clear–why doesn’t she just keep her current policy?).

    Someone else posted the official Obamabot reply: go to kff.org, which says the ACA will provide her full coverage for a total out-of-pocket cost of $266 per year.

    Last time I looked, kff.org was NOT an official ACA site. But it’s calculation of what you’ll have to pay looks GREAT. Mr Rall should try it, and will see that his total out-of-pocket costs under the ACA are MUCH less than what he’s finding when he logs in to healthcare.gov

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