Book News

So there’s quite a bit going on on the book front.

Coming out on March 25, 2014 is “After We Kill You, We Will Welcome You Back as Honored Guests: Unembedded in Afghanistan.”  The book will include prose chapters, comics, graphic journalism, and photographs from my 2001 and 2010 trips to Afghanistan. The theme of the book is comparing and contrasting Afghanistan at the beginning of the US occupation with the end: what got better, what got worse, and what didn’t change at all. It’s a look at America’s longest war and the folly of rampant interventionism abroad. People who supported my trip to Afghanistan in 2010 will receive copies in advance. As always, I will offer signed copies here through the website, and you can order them directly through me. If you prefer, you can also order the book online as a pre-order. That also helps me. So it’s really up to you.

If you enjoyed my graphic novel “The Year of Loving Dangerously,”  you will soon have a chance to help support another collaboration between me and Spanish cartoonist Pablo G. Callejo.  Pablo and I have a new project: a fictional graphic novel that comments on the state of journalism and war correspondency in particular, and the desperate ends that some journalists will go to – well, at least one – to save himself and maybe go a little further than that. It’s kind of like Breaking Bad meets To Afghanistan and Back. It’s a very cool project, and one that I look forward to finishing, but unfortunately there’s no way to get this thing off the ground without asking your support through Kickstarter. There will be some pretty cool incentives, so hopefully when the time comes, you’ll be interested. Watch this space. Probably looking to do this within the next month or so.

I have a number of possibilities for what comes after that.  And I’m very much interested in your opinion. Which of the following appeals most to you?

  • A book-length editorial cartoon about drones?
  • A book targeted to the young adult market about young people, modeled on Occupy Wall Street but more militant, who succeed in overthrowing the government of the United States?
  •  A sequel to The Year of Loving Dangerously?

I am discussing the possibility of collaboration with two extremely funny writers about wildly divergent projects.


  • “A book targeted to the young adult market about young people, modeled on Occupy Wall Street but more militant, who succeed in overthrowing the government of the United States?”

    Sounds like the most fun, but also the hardest to do convincingly.

  • Mr Rall is crazy.

    Top, reputable reporters (e.g., Friedman, Cohen, Kristof) know that one gets news about Afghanistan from the Afghanistan Room of the US Information Office.

    No need to go to Afghanistan (where one might be shot or kidnapped). No need to write the article when it’s much easier to copy (and, since the article is provided by the US government in soft copy, one need not re-type) and paste.

    But no.

    Mr Rall foolishly went to Afghanistan and saw for himself.

    Hasn’t he seen the experiment where eye witnesses missed the gorilla?

    The official report from the US Information Office (according to my sensible cat-friend) is MUCH more reliable than what Mr Rall saw with his own eyes.

    And anyone who wants to know the TRVTH (Pravda in Russian) knows to believe the US Information Office and the MSM parrots, NOT an actual eyeball witness.

  • Yeah, I understood that it would be fiction. I’d read it.

    When will your Afghanistan book be available for pre-order?

    • It’s a weird thing. Amazon has had the book listed at times for preorder. Then it disappears. I guess, just watch this space and when it reappears I will go ahead and post the link here.

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