ANEWDOMAIN.NET COLUMN: NSA PRISM Social Network: Why I’d Quit Facebook

Here is my latest column, not syndicated but exclusively for  Since she will ask, and since I appreciate the fact that you care about such things, yes, they pay and they pay a decent rate. But that won’t keep happening unless they get a lot of click throughs from people like you. So please check out the piece and if you like it please forward it. And if you don’t like it please forward it anyway.

The topic is the latest revelation by Edward Snowden: the NSA has developed the world’s most sophisticated social network to track your movements. Congratulations! You’re already a member and you’ll never even know it.  Which is too bad, since the more big data you have access to the easier it is to create a great social network. The least the NSA could do is let us be active participants.

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