I draw cartoons for The Los Angeles Times about issues related to California and the Southland (metro Los Angeles).
This week: California inmates end their long hunger strike after State Assemblymen agree to hold hearings on prison conditions. There — that was easy.
I’m totally amazed that a government that imprisons more people than any other nation on earth in history would be so concerned about the well-being of those they imprison that they would actually acknowledge the existence of these people by talking about them without making some of them kill themselves first.
Wow. USA! USA!
This encapsulates my overarching feeling about democracy.
The Prison Industry is highly lucrative in California (not to mention elsewhere, but California especially). A Californian prison guard makes an upper middle-class income, and the higher-ups and contractors make even more. So if prisoners go on a hunger strike, it matters. No prisoners, no money. Ain’t it great?