We’ve Seen This Show Before

In 2002 and 2003, Bush told Iraq that its offer to allow weapons inspectors to visit came too late to avoid military action. Now Obama is doing the same thing to Syria.

But hey, what could go wrong?


  • alex_the_tired
    August 25, 2013 4:28 PM

    Rest assured, Ted: There will be lots and lots of pictures of people holding up signs that express how much they don’t approve of any U.S. aggression in Syria. And they’ll twitter-feed the facebooked images of the pinterest photos about those signs!

    And don’t forget those all-important electronic petitions! Some of those take about 10 seconds to do. Nothing fills a politician with more fear than seeing almost everyone doing lipservice to an issue.

  • I like the part to come where Syria unloads a bunch of babies from their life saving incubators.

    This remake will, no doubt, have the babies removed by use of a pitchfork.

    Its all your fault, America. You keep falling for this kind of BS and keep voting these degenerates in.

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