I was interviewed by Russia Today yesterday about the latest revelations of NSA shenanigans. You can read a transcript here:
There’s no accountability here whatsoever, but it’s the veneer of legality that we have. If we follow the letter of the law, if we follow the spirit of the law, if we follow what the NSA’s charter says, the NSA simply isn’t allowed to engage in spying on Americans. Period. It’s very simple. It’s very straightforward. And the administration is trying to obfuscate that and that’s why General Alexander got laughed at.
You stand with a precious few who can weave together such a concise recent history in such a brief interview. So many overlooked and imperative points. You really show how history, politics, economics, and law intertwine. Most people talk about those subjects in a compartmentalized way, which is unhelpful when we are trying to analyze, evaluate, and understand real-world issues.
Thanks, Jack! I really appreciate it. One of these days, it would be really nice to get a broadcast outlet. As much as I enjoy cartoons and writing columns and books, there’s something about the conversational medium that conveys information in a unique way.
Yup!, and there was no coup in Egypt, and anyone killed by drones or fallacious fire must be pre-eminently guilty in the future of doing something or co-lateral damage. Still, if everyone who hurt or killed people was held accountable today, then we would have very few leaders or a fuktioning much of anything tomorrow. We gotta preserve status quo, because anything else is pretty scary, huh?
I’d tune in! I’ve found myself studying communication all my short life and enjoy and value every form. Each medium definitely has its own useful aspects over others. It’s tough to get more personal or engaging or honest than conversation. Thank you for posting this interview!