It’s been well established that cellphone use – texting and talking – don’t mix well with driving. So why is Pennsylvania’s Department of Transportation (PennDOT) pushing to improve cellphone service along state roads? That’s the subject of my cartoon for the Harrisburg Patriot-News, for which I draw cartoons about state and local politics.

Less Wear and Tear


  • nom du jour
    July 26, 2013 9:44 AM

    Moral is, don’t break down in Pennsylvania. Plus, no one in a car can do anything but sit there quietly while the driver gives 100% attention to the road.

    No radio.

    No talking.

    No phone.

    No pool.

    No pets.

    King of the Road.

    • Nothing beats a cell phone in an automotive emergency. That’s why I first got one. My car always used to break down. That said, if the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation had said that that was why they wanted to expand cell phone service, it would make perfect sense. But they really don’t have any kind of plausible explanation for it.

  • Could be that the moral is, you have a better chance of calling for help if you break down or get in an accident along roads that have no current cell phone coverage at this time. If you want to be talking on the phone while you are driving, then you are probably an idiot. Distractions while driving are deadly. One of my friends died while trying to tend to a small dog while driving. Need I say more?

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