Join me and fellow cartoonists Stephanie McMillan and Peter Kuper for a panel discussion at LeftForum at Pace University. Yes – admission is charged and required. What do you think this is, socialism? Details at the link.
Date: Sunday, June 9, 2013
Time: 12 noon – 1:50
Place: 1 Pace Plaza, Room W522
Official Description: Cartooning is a highly effective tool for conveying complex ideas in a widely disseminated format. Avant-garde leftist cartoonists like Peter Kuper (“World War 3 Illustrated”), Ted Rall (“Search and Destroy”), and Stephanie McMillan (“Minimum Security”), utilize the cartoon form to spread propaganda designed to shift the discussion, helping the struggle to save the Earth from ecocidal capitalism. If words won’t be enough to save what’s left of the environment—try cartoons.