New Cartoon Auction Up Now

I have just posted a new original cartoon auction. This week’s cartoons include reactions to significant news stories – the admission of women combat troops and Pres. Obama’s second inaugural address – and as usual I have contrarian takes that are sure to age well. There’s also an evergreen cartoon that is kind of a classic Ted Rall cartoon for those of you who want that sort of thing. Bidding starts at $.99, you can guarantee that you will win by slapping down $150. Warning, this only works at the very beginning.

Bear in mind, you get to choose the original cartoon that you want.

Also, upon request and at no additional charge, I will dedicate it to the person of your choice. Original cartoon art looks great on the wall and it is a wonderful way to support cartoonists.


  • Being one of the grossly overpaid retirement crowd (cough) not, I wish I could help/buy one. However, I noted that Matt Bors website also has a tip jar and a subscription offer, $18 a year. Something to consider maybe?

    P.S. Sorry about bring up the Bill Day fundraising thing, I did not know 🙁
    I thought I saw duplicate cartoons, but just put it down as an email glitch, getting old cartoons that were stuffed in the junk drawer or something, or burping up repeats unintentionally.

    …road paved to hell and all that.

    • @WillGere: “However, I noted that Matt Bors website also has a tip jar and a subscription offer, $18 a year. Something to consider maybe?”

      I really appreciate your desire to support me but emails like this really make me want to scream.

      Did you look at my blog? There are two ads right at the upper right-hand corner, one for the Ted Rall Subscription Service ($30 a year), the other one for the tip jar. Sometimes when I get things like this I feel like I should make the ads bigger, but I feel like that would be obnoxious. I don’t know. What you guys think? Do you see them now?

      The really funny thing is that I actually invented this whole idea of the subscription offer. Other cartoonists copied it from me. Back when I was doing it, everybody said that nobody wanted to subscribe to cartoonists and I thought that they were wrong. Now other cartoonists are doing it and people are writing to me asking why I don’t, when there’s an ad right next to the post that they put on. Seriously, please tell me what I should do instead? I feel really stupid and clueless and annoyed. All at the same time.

  • No I didn’t see the subscription thingie, the tip jar yes. Sorry 🙁
    Getting old and senile with poorer vision I guess. Or I’ve just come down with “Internet Vision”, kinda like ignoring all the too many road signs while driving. Information overload.

    I meant as an addendum to the tip jar you might do, etc…it needs to have a larger border maybe.
    Fred Reed has a link on his website that says: “Feed Fred”, nothing obnoxious about that.

    Didn’t mean to upset you 🙁

  • Oh Good 🙂

    Webpage 101, dark text on a dark background doesn’t work well. The Tip Jar on Matt Bor’s site almost leaps out at you.

    Do a test maybe, with a white background.

    There is almost too much stuff happening on this main page. Easy to miss it.

    I too, and all your readers I’m sure, want you to succeed. Your website is great, just needs a little fine-tuning perhaps.

    Last thing, check how your site looks like on various browsers…it’s funny how much they can differ between say Firefox and IE. Oh, and the width of the screen as well. The smaller the screen (19″ mine at home) the more cluttered it appears than the one at work (28″)

    I know, lots of work involved, sorry.

    • @Will, Unfortunately the kind of things you’re talking about would probably require me to shell out a few thousand dollars to a real web designer. Not to say that it wouldn’t be worth it, just that I don’t have it on hand. Unlike cartoonists, those guys don’t work for free. Nor should they. Maybe at some point I’ll put together a kickstarter or an indiegogo or something for that. But your criticisms are well received and I will try to see if there’s anything I can incorporate on my own using my own limited skills.

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