FROM OBAMA TO OCCUPY: Works of Outrage from 2008 – 2012

I will have work, namely a display of some of the cartoons that appeared in my latest book about Pres. Obama, on display alongside other artists who have covered the president during his first term, at the Brooklyn arts exchange in the Park Slope section of Brooklyn New York this coming weekend. The event is this coming Friday and Saturday.

Although I will be in attendance, I am not at all certain whether or not I will be expected to speak. There was some talk of having me present my work, whatever that means, and maybe I will do that. But I’ve also been asked to prepare a PowerPoint presentation, or not prepare a PowerPoint presentation, or do a show of animated video, or not, and I really just have absolutely no idea whether I’m going to walk in, hang out, talk, or simply be executed like a Polish officer in the Soviet Union in 1940. It’s just so mysterious.

Anyway, take a look at the event and if it looks like something that you might be interested in seeing, go see it with the knowledge that you may or may not see me speak.
