New eBay Auction

So once again I am mixing it up a little bit. This week I am auctioning off your right to pick the original artwork for one of three specific cartoons.

One of them is about the lack of congressional action in the wake of the Sandy Hook elementary school shootings in Newtown Connecticut. It is dated December 28, 2012. Another one, the last one of this election year, is a reaction to early prognostication about the 2016 presidential race in which Hillary Rodham Clinton and Jeb Bush are deemed to be early front-runners. Here I make fun of the idea that a country with 311 million people should have to draw its candidates from political dynasties. That cartoon is dated December 31, 2012. Finally, my January 2, 2013 cartoon, austerity made simple, is an evergreen take on the attitude of the 1%. Specifically, here I am talking about the fiscal cliff negotiations in which it seems that ordinary Americans are going to have to pay the price for the sins of the elite.
