Another Massacre Another Series of Lame Comments

A couple of old cartoons that would work just as well in response to the Connecticut shooting spree…should I just send them out again and take the week off?




  • alex_the_tired
    December 15, 2012 7:29 AM

    I liked the teary-eyed part. Reminds me of William Hurt’s character on “Broadcast News,” as well as any number of televangelists, John Boehner, Glenn Beck, etc. Very convincing. Very sincere. My heart goes out to him in this time of trial for him. I only hope he can show up at the funerals because, well, there’s no better place to make political hay.

    Oh, by the way:

    Children living in poverty (2010 figures), here’s the link: (
    It’s 38% of black children and 35% of Hispanic children. The average is 22% of all children in the U.S. I don’t see Obama every crying over them.

    And, according to a study by Stanford Law School and NYU Law School, (here’s the link: 176 children have been killed by U.S. drone strikes.

    Hell people, 20 dead kids is chickenshit. You really want to see someone who can crank out the bodies? Go no further than Mr. Teary himself. Adam Lanza (assuming the media’s finally gotten the name right) was a piker compared to the amount of death Mr. Obama (and Bush, Clinton, the other Bush, Reagan, etc.) caused.

  • “should I just send them out again and take the week off?” sure if you wanted be like what passes for most political cartoonists these days. But that right there is probably a significant part of the reason political cartooning is going extinct. When bad times force cuts in various journalism sources the first thing to go is the guy or girl who has the job that “looks easy”. It doesn’t mater if said job actually is easy or not, just if it is perceived that way perhaps based on the fact that so many others in a similar job elsewhere just phone it in endlessly. Many things have gone wrong to cause the funds for political cartooning to dry up, which is neither the cartoonists fault nor something they have no effect or say on, but the only thing that might ever bring political cartooning back will be high integrity individuals such as yourself holding the line. If you and the few others also fall for the easy way out then it is all over.

    You are right though that these comics are as timely as ever to the point where they might be worth putting up again in publications. Maybe you could try to convince the various sources that carry “Ted Rall”, to also carry “Ted Rall Classic” for “only 20% more” or something. “Ted Rall Classic” would run all the timely strips that still apply (of which there are MANY all the time), while the regular “Ted Rall” run would have the new stuff, including stuff that will eventually end up running on “Ted Rall Classic” when it becomes timely to do so again.

    This would kill three birds with one stone. First It would be a high integrity way of rerunning old stuff when it becomes relevant again allowing the best jokes of the past that are sufficiently general to lampoon those who still need it to do so. Second it potentially allows you to make more money on the work you have already done, and more money for your hard work is always good. Third, if you did something like posted the dates the given strip was previously run on it provides an oblique commentary both on the nature of politics and typical political cartoonists by showing that some material and set ups can basically can be used ad nuseum because they are always relevant.

    Just a thought.

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