As the election draws near, just a little reminder that my Book of Obama: How We Went From Hope and Change to the Age of Revolt, is still available either through Amazon or through direct purchase with me. If you’re wondering how to vote—or whether to vote—you owe yourself a read through this look at the last four years and why so many of us are so disappointed. If you buy it through me, not only do I get a far higher percentage of the royalties, but you get a signed copy personally delivered to you.
Also worth considering is the Ted Rall Subscription Service, which for a mere $30 a year, gives you an advance, sneak peek at each week’s columns, cartoons, and illustrations, in many cases days before they go out to anyone else; in addition, you’ll receive sneak previews of upcoming projects, and rough sketches of cartoons that hit the cutting room floor because they were rejected by editors. (That last one is a new feature.) So if you want to support my work in a direct way, that is something to consider.
These days, as print media goes away, but digital media fails to pay, people like me, whose ideas don’t necessarily correlate to conventional wisdom or the “mainstream” of center-right American politics, will be relegated to underemployment or being forced to quit entirely, as many of as as many of my peers have in recent years.
The only way to avoid losing those of us who think independently is if you support our work directly.
Thank you in advance for thinking about it.
Thank you also for your previous support.
A bit of hope.
While most of today’s gocomics comments were either by Obamabots who think that Obama should order a drone strike against Mr Rall, or by the ABOs who say the US military never recognized Obama as CinC, and so are taking out the terrorists without civilian supervision, and should strike Mr Rall with a drone, a few agreed that the US ‘war on terror’ is neither a war under international law, nor is it justified, and it is just indiscriminate killing, mostly civilians, which is wrong.
Last time, I didn’t see any in agreement with Mr Rall.
If only a majority of voters could be convinced…
I don’t disagree with what Ted sees because I see it too. I do disagree with what he proposes as a response – tear everything down to rebuild it as some kind of new utopian image. If you are very wealthy or very poor, then there is little chance that anything you work towards is good for the average person. People who are wealthy will try to maintain that status, and people who are poor will do anything they can to get more of what they lack. That’s the way it has always been and will be. I have history on my side. Drones? Drool on…
Drones are simply an improvement on fists and knives – just like guns allowed people to stand a further distance away and hurt others. Now you can be much further away and hurt others. Lets take that further – suppose exoplanthatredboy and whymsical could actually hurt each other by typing hateful crap towards each other, and that everyone had that amazing ability. I would guess that the world’s population might go down to a manageable level, huh? Ted would simply have to get a job doing something more useful if he managed to avoid being typed out of existence too, huh? LOL Did you see that old Twilight Zone episode where the hateful troll writes that at 3pm the next day, all the bad people will shrink to tiny animals? Then at 3pm – he shrinks?