Essentially unreported is one of the biggest revolutionary movements in the world—and it’s happening a short drive into Canada from New York State.
Beginning earlier this year, a massive student movement mobilized in Quebec to oppose Prime Minister Jean Charest’s austerity plan, which proposed huge increases in college tuition. That movement has since brought the province closer to full independence from Canada, deposed Charest, and brought the province to the edge of revolution. No longer just a student movement, the Red Squares have spread to labor and everyone else disgusted by capitalism.
In July I traveled to Montreal to cover the story for Cartoon Movement, a Dutch-based website edited by fellow editorial cartoonist Matt Bors. The result is a 10-page comix journalism piece centered around the planning and execution of a massive “Down with Neoliberalism” protest march on July 22, 2012.
You can see a preview here. The full thing goes up soon. Watch this space, or Cartoon Movement’s website.