Greetings from Afghanistan:
Before I get started I’d like to thank Ted for allowing me to guest blog, I’m a big fan of his work and politics, I appreciate that he’s given me this opportunity.
I’d like to start today with thoughts on Afghanistan, since I’m here and have been here for the last 3 years I think I have a unique perspective on what’s going on especially compared with what you see on the news. The recent killings of Afghans by US personnel and vice versa has been debated by talking heads and experts to no end so I’m not going to waste your time, I’m just going to say I’m SHOCKED it doesn’t happen more often.
To say there are cultural differences between US troops and the Afghan populace is kind of like saying Micheal Jordan knew how to play basketball, it doesn’t capture the richness or depth. I understand why the Afghan’s were upset about the burning of the Quran, religion is the only way they can make it day to day, the promise of heaven and an easier life is paramount here. The poverty/oppression/lifestyle that they are forced to live with on a daily basis is so far beyond comprehension to anyone in the United States that I won’t even try to describe it, I don’t have the words. On the other hand I also understand why Afghan’s are dehumanized by some US personnel, it’s easy to do. I’ve seen human rights abuses (especially men on women) that are intolerable for western values, when you send in an 18 year old from rural Texas and he sees these abuses I’m not sure what kind of outcome we expect.
Until next time, please send me any questions you have from out here.
Not to be snarky, but if you’re gonna write a blog, then please do actually describe things. People in America tend not to have much of an idea just how hand-to-mouth life is in other parts of the world, and so your filling in with details helps.
What can we do to get all the troops out of Afghanistan faster?
To Whimsical:
The White House phone numbers:
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
The military’s commander-in-chief will be happy to accept your comments and implement your wishes on this matter because he is much better that the alternative.