Computer Fundraiser Update

Thanks to generous contributions over the last week, my fundraiser to get enough money to buy an iMac is now at $1670 out of $2500 needed. Contributors get various goodies; click on the link to see what’s available and to donate if you are so moved.

This is really a huge relief. I’ve been limping along on an ancient Mac G3 tower from 2002 and wondering how I would be able to produce cartoons and send them out. (In the old days we could Fedex the originals to the syndicate, who scanned and delivered them to newspapers…no more.) Hopefully things will turn around financially–all I need is a brave editor or two to hire me to write or draw something to replace all the gigs I’ve lost to censorship and the lousy economy.

I’ll keep doing this as long as people still want to read my work which–ironically–is more widely read than ever before.


  • Ted, what critical function does the tower computer do that the laptop cannot do?

    • @Falco, The functions are basically the same (except that the iMac screen is bigger). If I didn’t ever travel I would be fine with just the tower. But I do travel, and I need to file from the road, thus the laptop too. Also, it’s important to have two computers since they, well, crash. Usually on deadline.

  • Ted: With your $2500 would you consider (could one buy), instead of a tower Mac: 1) another laptop (maybe NOT a”Pro” – strictly for emergency back up 2) a separate, sufficiently large video screen AND Photoshop?

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