Jesus Was a Communist

“When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why are they poor, they call me a Communist.”
—Dom Hélder Pessoa Câmara

Happy Thanksgiving.


  • Yes, the irony that some of the most conservative, racist, and bigoted people on the planet claim to worship and honor the teachings of a long-haired, communist, hippy, liberal, jew is not lost on anyone but those individuals themselves.

  • Yes, the irony that some of the most ideology blinded quote a religious figure who flirted with Fascism in his youth, before he was seduced by Latin American flavored Socialism.

  • Yes, the irony that some of the most retarded posts on this blog can begin with the same eight words.

    Just kidding. *ducks the tomatoes*

    I like the quote. The version I’m more familiar with (and like better) is, “When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask WHY THE POOR HAVE NO FOOD [emphasis added], they call me a communist.”

    What’s wrong with quoting or exploring the ideas of someone whose point of view has changed over time? If it were somehow documented that Adolph Hitler had said in his youth that chocolate was “yummy!” (or “shmecht gut!”) are there really people out there so dense that they’d refuse to try a Hershey Bar after learning this?

    I flirted with Catholicism in my youth, before I was seduced by psychosis/epiphany-revealed Taoism.

  • Turk, I take it you obliquely calling me retarded doesn’t count as uncivil behavior in Ted’s book. I wonder how many of those who quote Dom Helder’s supposed words also ask themselves why the poor (that is, everybody who’s not in the inner party) in Cuba, or North Korea, have rationed food. My “retarded” message is: asking why the poor have no food is alright, thinking Socialism is the answer is indeed retarded.

  • “Buce, I take it you obliquely insulting our host’s ability to moderate by whining about my joke…”

    Aww, skip it. Sorry, bucephalus. I guess I just thought your characterization of Dom Hélder Pessoa Câmara provided an irrelevant context. His idea has merit. Whether or not he spanked his altarboys before or after saying this doesn’t change that.

    If he helps someone in need, THEY (try to) honor him.

    If he critically explores the reasons why this need exists, THEY (try to) revile him.

    Who are THEY, and why would THEY feel a need to behave in either way?

    It’s all about better knowing your “frienemies”, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

  • drooling zombies everywhere
    November 28, 2011 1:48 AM

    Don’t feed the trolls.

    What Câmara actually said was “Quando dou comida aos pobres chamam-me de santo. Quando pergunto por que eles são pobres chamam-me de comunista.” That is, the word “comida” (food) only appears once. “Por que eles são pobres” means “why they are poor.” Embellished English version is more poetic. Print the legend, as they say.

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