DISPOSABLE Ep. 5: New Boss, Same As the Old Boss

The brilliant David Essman and I have just completed Episode 5 of our “Disposable” series of animated editorial cartoons.

This time: Sarah cashes in on her Indecent Proposal. Voices by Stephanie McMillan and Matt Bors.


  • Is the red guy suppose represent Satan or something? Because this whole thing seems like a story about someone selling their soul for something little and then going to hell and getting whipped for eternity.

  • Nice. Matt Bors is still the best voice actor in all of the episodes. You are usually pretty good, but were a little flat in this one. Stephanie McMillan, however, needs serious work. Don’t get me wrong, I love her opinions, attitude, and her little comic with Bunista, but a great blogger, cartoonist, and activist does not necessarily make for a great voice actor. She either sounds flat or the emotion sounds really fake and forced when she does not. Cartoon is still good though, I enjoy these.

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