The Anti-American Manifesto has been named Press Action’s Book of the Year 2010:
Ted Rall’s The Anti-American Manifesto takes a serious look at how U.S. political and economic elites are pushing the planet and its inhabitants down a road to ruin. The book is a cry for Americans to stand up and show some courage against the leaders who steal their money to fight endless wars and destroy the Earth. Rall is a gifted writer. The Anti-American Manifesto is not a dense treatise on the evils of capitalism. Some reviewers have criticized Rall for not offering a clearer vision of what the United States would look like in the wake of the revolution that he believes the nation so desperately needs. But Rall explains the primary purpose of the book is to incite Americans to do whatever they can to dismantle the nation’s oppressive and destructive systems as soon as possible, with the full knowledge that there will be counter-revolutionaries, with great firepower, who will seek to fill the ensuing power vacuum. Rall apparently is writing a follow-up to the manifesto that may quiet some of his critics by outlining his vision for a sustainable and compassionate society.
1 Comment.
That’s excellent Ted. I do keep coming back to Matt Taibbi’s recent interview on Griftopia when speaking about the people on Wall Street. It was the “let’s get what all we can right now before it all blows up” mindset that you see in a third world country. Ted, I know you’ve made a career out of serial pessimism, but may I make a call to arms that fights against the sort of nihilistic mindset that the best and brightest end up at Wall Street with? A determination to fight for the future?