Last night’s event at Eliot Bay Books in Seattle was awesome. Tonight I’ll be in beautiful Berkeley, California.
Join me at 7 pm tonight (Thursday) for a Project Censored event at the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists. The address is 1924 Cedar at Bonita, Berkeley, CA 94709.
If you have an opportunity get out to Telegraph Avenue. It’s a progressive haven.
I just visited Telegraph Avenue a couple of weeks ago. Signs of Progressive Ideology were everywhere I looked: There were book stores, record stores, restaurants, head shops and a bankrupt Beard Papa’s. It was wall-to-wall shops and shoppers. Plus there’s a street bazaar going on with folks selling t-shirts and buttons. There was so much buying and selling going on that I spent too much money on CDs and didn’t have enough left over for the “Fuck Capitalism” t-shirt I spotted in a display window.
How is this orgy of commerce a progressive haven? Well, it’s not a mall: You can buy things there that you can’t buy anywhere else. It doesn’t provide a shopping experience that’s identical to every other shopping experience on the globe. It hearkens back to a day when shopping was fun and involved discovery.
Also there were a few homeless people begging for change. You know how much Progressives and business people love that.