Audio File of Ted Rall Interview

I was on KAOS radio, 89.3FM Olympia, last night. If you missed the interview, you can listen here. Or not. Don’t miss a chance to have sex to listen to this. But if it’s this or going to church, this is better.


  • Frank de la Puente
    October 9, 2010 9:25 AM


    In 1957, I came from Peru, an underdeveloped country. I am enjoying life here in the U.S.A. Please don’t rain on my parade. Thanks.

  • Ted,

    The KAOS interview was the best one yet. I’m in the middle of your book, and can’t thank you enough for putting this all in one place, so succinctly. This is going to be this years’ xmas gift to more than a few of my friends and family. Cheers.

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