Ted Rall Arrives in Oregon Today

My Pacific Northwest tour begins today with a signing in Eugene and a bunch of interviews. Details follow.

Tomorrow I’m in Salem, Saturday in Portland. If you’re in Oregon, I look forward to meeting you!

Public Appearance at the Eugene Library
100 West 10th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97209

Interview on the KLCC Northwest Passage Radio Show
4:00-4:30 pm Pacific time

Radio Interview on KAOS Olympia
8:15 pm-? Pacific time


  • Marion Delgado
    October 7, 2010 11:22 PM

    Hey, Ted, thanks for the presentation and signature. I am happy to say I was on the clock the whole time – I updated the website for the daily paper in Eugene, did the pressrun via my phone while biking to the library, and biked back and moved the caps and documents.

    Historically, your theory about why revolts happen under liberals has to be incomplete. Take the former Soviet Union. The 3 most liberal CP presidents were, in order, Gorbachev, Khruschev and Lenin. Gorbachev had the whole system break down, Khruschev had an entire city revolt*, so, basically, did Lenin (Kronstadt).

    So the first time should have shown there was no hope in the system. I think more likely (and this has a following among historians) that the bad times create the hatred and desire for revolt, but the iron boot is actually very successful. No one revolted against Stalin or Ivan because if they did, they died. And their famiies died. Etc. It’s when you keep everyone under pressure that the damage is done. Then you open the cap just a little … and bang!

    That said, I was living in Hungary when Chernenko died and Gorbachev took over, and there was definitely a lot of hope and aspirations then that weren’t fulfilled. So part of the answer is your answer, as well.

    *In the Southern Russian city of Novocherkassk (Rostov Region) [] discontent escalated to a strike and a revolt against the authorities. The revolt was put down by the military who opened fire on unarmed demonstrators. According to Soviet official accounts, 22 people were killed and 87 wounded. In addition, 116 demonstrators were convicted of involvement and seven of them executed. Information about the revolt and the massacre was completely suppressed in the USSR, but spread through Samizdat and damaged Khrushchev’s reputation in the West.

  • Hey dude, thanks for coming to Eugene. I hadn’t heard of you until I saw you at the library and I was impressed by your open subversiveness. Also, I had a similar experience with Chase Bank and the Making Home Affordable program. What a complete disaster that program was.

    For what it’s worth, I think you could do a bit more with your Facebook profile in terms of making announcements and such to your fans and generally interacting with your supporters/fans in a simple format in addition to this site and the youtube. I’m just saying, it’s hot right now and it works.

    I know your message is not very popular with a lot of people but I remember Howard Stern as an example of someone you listen to, you might now like him, but you want to hear what he says next. Glenn Beck is kind of like that, you listen to hear what kind of crazy shit he’s gonna say next. So also a place for people who think you suck to check you out and maybe get you on with Hannity some more. That was a great interview; I saw it on youtube.


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