Incredible Pro-Israel Song

I’m on the mailing lists of a number of political groups…including “US For Israel,” which sent me this link. I am amazed and laughing and amazed.

How can a person be so cute yet…yet…well, watch.

Destined for YouTube fame:


  • exkiodexian
    July 2, 2010 11:10 AM

    Bob Dylan she ain’t.

    These kinds of songs never work, even if they are politically on the money. In her case, yes – it’s rather disgusting. The incongruity of such propanda set against pretty piano music would be funny if it weren’t so scary.

    As for her being pretty, yet callous. Nothing new there. Just because you’re cute doesn’t mean you’re not vicious. I recall seing cute little Debbie Reynolds from “Singin’ in the Rain” get interviewed about mafia involvement in early Vegas. Reynolds, who worked in early Vegas and owned a casino at one point, said of the mafia – “No one got whacked that didn’t deserve it.” So cute that Debbie Reynolds.

  • The music is too well-composed to be famous. The aggressor paints itself as the victim. I was waiting for the part where she says “stab in the back”. Oh well…

    If she only knew what man’s book she is taking a page from.

  • Susan Stark
    July 2, 2010 8:00 PM

    Stuff like this is its own mockery. She’s essentially saying, “All these other people kill and pillage, so why can’t we?”.

  • GreenGestalt
    July 3, 2010 4:57 AM

    “The Juwes are the ones what always got away with it!”
    – Anonymous Whitechapel graffiti from a while back…

    Frankly, given their firing of Helen Thomas over recent events I am now firmly believing the so-called lie that “They control the media and care about only their own suffering, no one else’s.”

    Take note also, the “Anti-Defamation Leauge” or their “Watergate Burglary espionage” ring has fought rabidly hard to block;

    1. The expansion of “Hate Crime” laws to include Homeless people, even though now they are by far the major targets.
    2. The official recognition of the “Armenian Genocide”, presumably because Turkey has a slightly less open hatred of Israel…

    Which, IMO, proves what kind of covetous murderous hypocrites they are as a group, especially the “Zionist” ones. On the first note, they have been almost always a “People without a country” and even more “Homeless” than a homeless person, only keeping property and money at the whim of rulers and even a peasant usually had some law that kept (and entrapped) him in his land.

    On the second note; “Who today speaks of the Armenians?”

    As far as the “They control the media” thing, I don’t like it in the same way that I think “Partisan Politics and Special interest” is tearing the country apart…squared.

    As a crazed crusader for lil kids, Andrew Vachss, points out; the only way to get anything done in American politics is to form a “One issue” group where you are fanatical around one issue. Gun freedoms, one race’s progress, legalizing pot, protecting children from perverts, etc. You ask a canidate to support you. If he does you scrape together what $ you can give him, your group volunteers as many hours as they can provide for his campaign work, etc. If he does NOT please you, you help the other guy, even if the other guy is Satan himself, as long as the other guy is more chumly to your issue.

    Well, I see the Jewish “Control” of the media as like that, but worse. I don’t think they actually “Own” it, though enough prominent Jews (at least by race) at the top argues the point. But I think they have such influence that they have vast control, and the problem is they’ve turned totally “Israel” polarized and don’t make waves otherwise. As long as they can keep their one-sided views, churn out “Holocaust” movies one after another to keep their “Holocaust meal ticket” refreshed, they don’t care that the ultra rich and the giant corporations are ruining America.

    In short:

    “hey, kids! Did you know Hitler was a bad guy? Let me show you this horrible Holocaust movie! Oh, let’s get fired/mocked/discredited this person who spoke against us/Israel…”


    “Investigative Journalism, whatever… Look, kid, you were hired cause you gots a pretty face but you just READ da News we give ya. After all, who cares that ZokaKola has lead paint chips in it and rat heads!? They pay us $ in advertising and they are owned by the company that owns this building. Now, look, I got a bar mitzvah to attend, but just shut up if you want to keep your job.”

    I don’t deny there was a “Holocaust” or whatever. Just it’s been a lifetime now, and now they behave like..well…

    And it’s really sad. There’s this awesome “Jew” writer, “Harlan Ellison” who wrote about the decay of the USA and it being aided and abetted by the media. Two books you can find at a used book store or download from his website, “The Glass Teat” which were a collection of his leftist newspaper articles.

  • The astute observer will note that the girl here wrote only the music and two others with the same last name wrote the lyrics. None the less, even bending over backwards to allow Rall and his minions their usual anti-Israel position, there is not one thing said here that isn’t true. It just so happens that y’all hate the girl her parents and the rest of that clan, so that’s why I say FYYFF.

  • I now note that my comment is awaiting “moderation,” which I gather means “sanitation.” So no doubt my comments will not be seen and Rall’s anti-Israel rhetoric will continue to be published. Once again, FYYFF.

  • she’s a cutie. Hostility against anything Jewish is quite palpable in the day-to-day rhetoric of Americans. It’s tragic that the Palestinians are such eternal pawns in a pissing match with the Muslim nations of the Middle East too, they’re not getting any favors. I think the rhetoric of the posts here toward Jews is pretty appalling, personally. I’m not going to defend Israel, but there is an awful lot of condemnation from all sides that can go around here.

  • Here I’ll say it for you lefties. “Those greedy Jews run all the media and most of the wars are their fault. We lefties need a rich ex Nazi on our side. Oh wait… we have George Soros.”

  • Here’s a cute little muslim 3 year old girl. Enjoy!

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